UK Prime Minister Theresa May Has “Deep Concern” Over POTUS Trump’s Steel Tariffs, While Forgetting Her Own Steel Tariffs in 2016 – IOTW Report

UK Prime Minister Theresa May Has “Deep Concern” Over POTUS Trump’s Steel Tariffs, While Forgetting Her Own Steel Tariffs in 2016


conservative treehouse: Oh, how the European hypocrisy is in overdrive on the tariff issue.  According to BBC U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May and President Trump had a phone call where the British leader expressed “deep concern” over the Trump administration’s pending tariff’s on Steel and Aluminum.

Theresa May has told Donald Trump of her “deep concern” at his plan to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports into the US.

Amid an escalating war of words between Washington and the European Union, the Prime Minister told the US President that “multilateral action was the only way to resolve the problem of global overcapacity in all parties’ interests”, a Downing Street spokeswoman said.  (read more)

Mrs. May must think Americans are unambiguously stupid because it was less than two years ago when the U.K. urgently applied tariffs against Chinese steel in an effort to stave off the losses within their own steel industry: READ MORE



10 Comments on UK Prime Minister Theresa May Has “Deep Concern” Over POTUS Trump’s Steel Tariffs, While Forgetting Her Own Steel Tariffs in 2016

  1. It’s called Trump is no longer allowing the US to be treated like chumps when it comes to trade. The globalists do not approve that Trump will not let us be raked over the coals anymore.

  2. Of the 100+ mainstream news stories I heard and read regarding the tariff proposal, and it’s “horrible” impact on trade, NOT ONE MENTIONED THAT THE EU ALREADY FORMALLY IMPOSED SIMILAR TARIFFS ONE OR TWO YEARS AGO.
    Only CTH had this fact. Only CTH.
    Here is yet another PERFECT example of FAKE NEWS. Lies by omission.
    Bash Trump. Ignoring that this is his negotiating style.
    As the Brits would say – “PURE RUBBISH.”

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