Jeff Sessions — Ninja or Nincompoop? – IOTW Report

Jeff Sessions — Ninja or Nincompoop?

AT: Conventional wisdom, as shaped by the mainstream media, is becoming more and more schizophrenic. President Trump is a Russian stooge, doing Putin’s bidding, yet he is reigniting the cold war via new Russian sanctions. His White House is in chaos, yet the left is apoplectic over his barrage of policy initiatives. Special Counsel Robert Mueller is shooting blanks and at the same time is circling the Oval Office, ready to pounce and indict.

Then there is Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Lurking in the weeds, moving with stealth and deception like a ninja. Or playing Rip Van Winkle, taking a nap, ignoring the waves of corruption engulfing the DOJ and FBI. Which is it?

Let’s look at the latter scenario first. That Jeff Sessions, in the view of his boss, is Mr. Magoo. Trump also described Sessions as “beleaguered.” Now almost 14 months into the Trump presidency, the evidence of massive corruption in the Obama DOJ and FBI is piling up. As outlined on these and other pages, the Obama administration attempted to prevent Trump’s election. Having failed, it began a new effort to undermine and destroy his presidency via illegal wiretaps, leaks, misleading the FISA court, and pushing the bogus Russian collusion narrative.

Trump tweeted his displeasure with his AG and the OIG, publicly criticizing their lack of action and political bias.  MORE HERE

18 Comments on Jeff Sessions — Ninja or Nincompoop?

  1. I trust Representative Nunes to make his case that the FBI and the DOJ colluded with the Obama Administration and the Clinton Campaign to violate the FISA Court law to defeat Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election. When he is through, a Special Prosecutor will have to be named, because the evidence of corruption will be so overwhelming. It has only been a little more than a full year since the Democrats decided to distract their voters with the claim the the Russians defeated President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. This is the biggest political corruption scandal in American history. It wasn’t ever going to unravel in a few months. I don’t know what to make of President Trump’s pronouncements. He’s more frustrated than we are with the slowness of the process. Everything in the Center of the Swamp takes time, especially when the Swamp Denizens are obstructing Justice.

  2. If that pep talk is true (I am undecided if I believe it…it smells a bit of spooked happy face spin at this point) it’s going to set the pattern for at least some future conservative politicians…a Trumpian model that obsoletes the Reaganesque one. Not a bad thing, given the point we’ve arrived at.

    But that also means the Left will become aware of it as a strategy our side uses to up our game, to bring the fight to them, and to neutralize many of their old tactics.

    THAT will be the point where they are going to feel truly desperate and begin to get violent like we’ve never seen before.

    Again, all this assumes that the pep talk thing is true. If it is, as a nation we’re in for some bright times and some dark times (the dark is a given in any case–the Left will never quit). And if the pep talk is not true, then we’re in for more of the dark we’ve been long expecting.

    So I’ll be cautiously optimistic that Trump has Sessions playing possum when he’s really more of…a trapdoor spider, I guess.

  3. The Left has their own “Sessions” problem in Mueller. Mueller is not delivering, and he will not be able to deliver, no matter how many times Eric Holder says that a Trump indictment is just around the corner. So far, both Left and Right are getting served small potatoes, and that will not be enough for either side. The Left will have to go to bed hungry. That is a fact. But if the Right thinks fairness dictates that we also must go to bed hungry, they are sadly, catastrophically mistaken. Sessions had better be serving up a heaping plate of Deep State real soon.

  4. Sessions has a history of being a thoughtful and persistent guy.
    Until he’s found drunk and frolicking with naked women in the Reflecting Pool, I’ll believe he’s working for America.

    Yes, I’m optimistic about Mr. Sessions and Pres. Trump’s choices.
    (so far)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I am increasingly skeptical about Session developing a Super Double-Secret strategy as the months fly by. He may be building a flawless case with details of widespread corruption spelled out in perfect detail. Meanwhile, the American public hears absolutely nothing about obvious corruption during the Obama era or before. Only the constant drumbeat of Trump collusion with Russia. The media spin might be easily ignored by readers here, but it corrodes the public’s faith in the administration. And, frankly, with no evidence of action against the entrenched criminals in Washington, I can’t help but think our last chance to turn this around via the election of the outsider Trump, is being squandered.

  6. If I was Trump’s AG, I’d tell him to call me that, just to take the spotlight off me as I get the dirt needed to bust the suspects.
    But I’m different, so…

  7. I’d love for Sessions to be a ninja but his foot dragging on providing FOIA documents requested by Judicial Watch, refusal to turn over documents to Nunes, foot dragging providing documents courts have ordered turned over to Judicial Watch and Nunes committee, refusal to prosecute Lois Lerner and the IRS and total incompetence of DOJ lawyers defending Trump’s immigration Executive Orders are big red flags.

  8. I feel like a basketball. Slammed to the floor in discouragement, then bounce up again in hope. The endless point and counter point has left me in confusion. I don’t know what to think. I hope Vachellindsay from twitter is correct with his pep talk. It is so damn hard to be patient. I want justice, and I want it now.

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