Ann Coulter on the politicized Oscars – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter on the politicized Oscars


17 Comments on Ann Coulter on the politicized Oscars

  1. Yup, speak out so I can avoid watching your movies. You bores act like trashing Trump somehow indicates a deep and sophisticated understanding of how the world works and you can delineate to the rubes what we’re missing. The truth is you’re sheltered and childish snobs who are under the illusion we care what you think.

  2. Ann Coulter says what I think at 3 in the morning when I’m alone and drunk..

    Ann Coulter says this aloud at 3 in the afternoon stone cold sober…

    PJ O’Rourke

  3. The last Oscar ceremony I watched, “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” won for Best Picture. Before that, I think the previous one I saw, gave the award to “Braveheart.” The movies suck and so does the talent.

  4. How does being a movie star make one’s opinion important? Why not have an nationally televised awards show for plumbers where they can express their opinions? Oh, plumbers are not important. Oh, that’s right. Plumbers expressing their opinions get investigated by the Obama administration and trashed by the MSM.

    “That’s how movements get started?” Why not have a Krystalnacht. A movement sure got a jump start from that. How does a group of people parroting ignorant talking points help the cause of Justice, especially when they specifically avoid certain issues that, while maybe important, hit too close to home? And those in the industry who do not go with the group think are ostracized?

  5. At one time actors were just one rung above pimps, whores and pickpockets on the societal ladder.
    Many believe they have never climbed higher, just make more money now.
    Fool some of the people….

  6. I had already been to church that day and got lectured about my lifestyle. I spent the afternoon with my wife and got lectured about why I should care deeply about mundane household matters. The very last thing I wanted on Sunday night is to tune into a bunch of harpies lecturing out their asses about things they don’t know about.

    Yeah, carry on about gun control, whine about gender matters, badger producers into making more socially correct films, and wear colored pins which mean zip to anyone. I don’t see many of these movies, and judging from the state of the box office this year, neither did a lot of people.

  7. To liberals, it’s…this WOMAN…this AFRICAN AMERICAN…this IMMIGRANT…(gasp!) has talent. Why not…this PERSON has talent and happens to be a woman, African American, immigrant, etc. Identity politics all the time.

  8. I pay you when YOU ENTERTAIN ME. If I want to be educated on politics, I will go to someone a hell of a lot smarter than you, who has taken much time out of their life to study the full range of issues, to learn from them.
    Meanwhile, as Laura Ingraham has said before, “SHUT UP AND SING”.
    To which I would add, “DANCE, MONKEY, DANCE”.

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