The secret to a long life? Beer and chips – IOTW Report

The secret to a long life? Beer and chips

NBC: 100-Year-Old Says Beer and Chips is Secret to Long Life

Longtime friends and neighbors Matilda and Mickey both turned 100 years old within days of each other.

When asked about the secret to a long life, 100-year-old Matilda Curcia told NBC 7 San Diego that she has one beer and three potato chips every night.

She later admitted with a grin that she might eat a little more than three chips.

“I’ve experienced good health,” Matilda said. “I have no pain and do my exercises every day. And have my beer. Eat my potato chips. That’s about all.”

Matilda and her neighbor, identified as Mickey, both turned 100 years old this week in San Diego within days of each other. On Saturday, they had a birthday bash in the Allied Gardens neighborhood with their families. Blue, gold and hot pink balloons shaped as “100” numerals decorated their party.  more here

11 Comments on The secret to a long life? Beer and chips

  1. I can eat chips, no problem. But Beer OMG that shit is terrible, I worked as a bartender for 8 months and
    felt like puking every day.

  2. I just knew when I gave up alcohol 14 years ago it was a mistake.

    To be honest I have no desire to reach 100, beer or no beer.
    I mean, it’s not like Nursing homes aren’t rockin’ and cool.

    Lord, please don’t make me do it. Thank you, Lord.

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