Virginia: Dem Candidate Under Investigation For Destroying AR-15 During Protest Stunt – IOTW Report

Virginia: Dem Candidate Under Investigation For Destroying AR-15 During Protest Stunt

DC: Virginia, congressional Democratic candidate Karen Mallard is under investigation after she posted a video of herself on social media cutting apart an AR-15 rifle to advocate for gun reform, according to a local news report.

karen mallard facebook

The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is investigating Mallard after she posted a video Wednesday on Facebook of herself sawing off the barrel of her husband’s rifle.

Several people who replied to the post said Mallard broke the law. Virginia’s Sawed-Off Shotgun and Sawed-Off Rifle Act prohibits people from having a rifle that has been “modified to an overall length of less than 26 inches.”  more here

32 Comments on Virginia: Dem Candidate Under Investigation For Destroying AR-15 During Protest Stunt

  1. RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

    David Gregory got away with breaking gun laws on TV. Don’t let this preening idiot off the hook.

  2. Where’s the gloves, kevlar pants and jacket, and steel toed boots? Kids everywhere are going to assume it’s safe to operate a power tool without the proper safety equipment. Plus there was no clear indication of an installed trigger lock; the gun could have slipped into full semi-automatic and shot up the whole neighborhood during this unsafe stunt.

  3. I wish there would be some prosecutions to stop and make them think twice before thumbing their noses at the public. The most they have to worry about is a fat tax payer funded early retirement if anything at all. Seeing one of their own get a stiff jail sentence might make them reconsider. But thats just dreaming.

  4. Well she destroyed her hubby’s favorite hunting rifle & he’s probably major pissed because of what she did. She may as well join the “Nunhood” as she probably won’t be allowed to take of his “Gun” for quite awhile.

  5. LOL. I’m glad to see the dismissive term “stunt” catching on.
    The Left desperately needs to be seen as noble protesters. They writhe at their statements being revealed as cheap childish “stunts”.
    More Winning.

  6. She’s lucky that super dangerous nuclear-powered AK-15 didn’t explode. Those extra high capacity NRA Massacre Clips can just explode like grenades and destroy the entire block.
    MSNBC has experts from Evergreen College School of Womyn’s LGBTQXYZ Gunthingery who are glad to explain all this.

    And where was the Chainsaw Bayonet?

  7. What the real pisser is is that she’s going to walk because she’s got a “D” after her name. If she was an “R”, the ATF would have Waco’d her ass by now.

  8. She must not keep up with Conservative media…. otherwise she might have known she needed to cut it through the receiver/chamber, magazine well & fire control group with a torch! Or after 25,000 rounds or so, her hubby said: “well, if you want to perform some stupid gun hating stunt, saw off my barrel because I need to replace it anyway… and don’t sweat the handguards or gas tube, because I intend to upgrade it to a piston and have a really nice railed front-end for it…” (and then thought, “and maybe you’ll go to jail and I won’t have to look at your fat ass anymore…. WINNING!”

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  9. Didn’t the feds kill Randy Weaver’s old lady and son because he sawed off a gun? Why do the elites get away with this shit when the common folks get the Ruby Ridge treatment?
    Nothing will come of this. The laws are for the little people

  10. ha ha ha. And you didn’t even touch what is considered the “gun” part of your rifle. You can replace the barrel, gas tube, etc and return that firearm to legal usable status.

    Why didn’t you cut the receiver and not accidentally make an SBR, dummy? Because you don’t know crap about guns, like most libs.

    Virtual signalling should be considered performance art and nothing else.

  11. Possession of an unregistered SBR $10,000 fine + 20 years in prison. Tax evasion for not paying for the 200 tax stamp $10,000 fine +20 years. BATF do your job.

  12. She cut it behind the gas block so it’s a single shot now. Unfortunately, it’s a Short Barreled Rifle, single shot, which is a felony to make or possess. She manufactured it (first felony) then she possessed it (second felony).

    Has anybody called the cops?

  13. In for a penny…

    After the rifle, she should have taken the angle grinder and cut off her husband’s penis. Because penises are used to rape. Then his hands, because those are used to beat women.

    By her logic, her husband’s penis and hands are just as guilty of crimes as that particular AR-15. Do they deserve a pass? Applying her logic, I think not.

    Human agency in the commission of crimes against people seems to be an occult subject for leftists. Which, if you’ve bothered yourself to study that particular affliction, leftism, makes perfect sense. It’s always the ‘what’, never the ‘whom’.

    This particular failing of logic absolutely fascinates me. Like watching a train wreck. I can’t look away.

  14. Yup. Less than a minute to repair to working order.
    An elected official should be able to research and understand the many and various subject upon which they may vote. This DUMMY did not think that firearms is a serious enough subject to educate herself on. Therefore she proudly commits a felony and produces a truly dangerous gun.
    NO WAY should ANYONE vote for this level of stupidity.
    Sorry Honey, you are not smart enough.

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