The War California will Lose – IOTW Report

The War California will Lose

Fox&Hounds: Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ brief visit to Sacramento in which he explained the federal government’s lawsuits against three California bills that set up a “sanctuary state” has led Gov Jerry Brown to declare that the Trump Administration is “going to war against the state of California.”

Brown is right; and this is a war that California is going to lose.  Sessions reminded his Sacramento audience that nullification of federal laws, which is what he said California is trying to do, was settled at Gettysburg. “There is no nullification. There is no secession. Federal law is ‘the supreme law of the land.’ I would invite any doubters to Gettysburg, and to the graves of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln.”

But one need not go to Gettysburg, or to the South Carolina grave of the great nullifier Calhoun.  One needs only to read two recent decisions relating to immigration in which California argued vigorously that federal supremacy pre-empts any attempt by states to regulate immigration.

In 2010, Arizona passed SB 1070 to allow its local police to enforce immigration laws the state insisted were not being enforced by the Obama Administration.  In 2012, this law came before the Supreme Court which said quite clearly: no way can the state take immigration enforcement into its own hands.

In an opinion written by Justice Anthony Kennedy and embraced by the Court’s liberals, the Supreme Court said that the federal government’s authority to regulate immigration is “broad” and “undoubted.”  That authority is derived from the Constitution’s directive to Congress to “establish a uniform rule of naturalization.”  more here

14 Comments on The War California will Lose

  1. California is WAY out of control. I decided to start fighting the fight on FB and if you say something that’s counter to the narrative be prepared to get thrashed with verbal insults from posters with Hispanic names. Occasionally a BLM idiot, and every once in a while some old white guy or woman that spent most of their life teaching. It’s a very targeted attack on conservatives that post on FB. If this is reality we’re going to need to go to war. But it’s clear La Raza is trying to take California.

  2. jellybean
    “This country IS IN FACT under siege”

    I agree. And it starts in our educational system. Far to late to worry about that now in California. We need to split the state. Fast.

  3. If a bank is robbed in California or anywhere else, it’s a federal crime, handled at the federal level. Immigration is a federal matter and violations of immigration law and enforcement thereof are the prerogative of the feds. Obstructing the feds in fulfilling their task is a criminal offense.

    Is any of that hard to understand?

  4. Last week on the way home I was listening to the local talk radio, where Rush got his start. The local Tea Party has been banging on the Registrar of voters about illegals voting. They claimed “Oh No Way”. The next day they interview the local Sacramento County people and they say “Every resident has the right to vote”. Wait what? So they press these people more, and they repeat. So we have the motor voter law here. Anybody that has a drivers license get registered as a voter. Well California is giving drivers licenses to illegals. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out what the traders are doing.

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