Michael Daniel: Susan Rice Told NSC Officials To ‘Stand Down’ In Response To Russian Meddling Attempts – IOTW Report

Michael Daniel: Susan Rice Told NSC Officials To ‘Stand Down’ In Response To Russian Meddling Attempts

DAILY CALLER: Former national security advisor Susan Rice issued a stand down order to national security council officials developing aggressive options to respond to Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, a new excerpt from Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump reveals.

NSC officials were reportedly alarmed by Russia’s attempts to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, including the hacking of Democratic National Committee officials’ emails, and those belonging to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Michael Daniel, an NSC official responsible for the Russia portfolio, told to the book’s authors of multiple plans to strike fear in Russian President Vladimir Putin with the aim of ending Russia’s election meddling. These plans included surreptitiously releasing personal information about Putin’s family, which revealed corruption in Putin’s political party, and even crafting a large cybersecurity exercise as a public threat to Russia.

Daniel additionally told the authors that when Rice caught wind of his planning, she called him and berated him.  more here

14 Comments on Michael Daniel: Susan Rice Told NSC Officials To ‘Stand Down’ In Response To Russian Meddling Attempts

  1. This is the problem with a bloated govt. When you have a shady admin creating the Russian story, coupled with the spook agencies attempts to tie it all together, the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing, resulting in a cluster farq.

  2. “…Russia’s attempts to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, including the hacking of Democratic National Committee officials’ emails, and those belonging to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta…”

    Stop right there. If the FBI, and by extension, the NSA, were so concerned about Russian hacking, they would have insisted on looking at the DNC server, instead of letting Hillary’s Crowdstrike Cronies “investigate” the server. And Password=Password Podesta could have been ransacked by a high school kid. We are being asked to swallow too much narrative here, and it makes me wonder about the rest of the book. Corn, Issikoff and Mother Jones? Please.

  3. Remember that Isikoff and Corn are CIA mouthpieces. Corn is the guy who convicted Scooter Libby in the press of outing Valerie Plame when he knew he didn’t.

    Isikoff is the guy Fusion GPS leaked the phony Clinton dossier to as justification for the FISA warrant.

    Susan Rice is the bus lady. When they need someone to run over, she raises her hand.

  4. I’m hoping that there will be lots of indictments, trials, prison sentences, and etc, for the obama/clinton cabal, during the second half of the President Trump first term.

    I can’t think of a better campaign fulfillment, timed so perfectly.

    I imagine the demoncRATS falling like dominoes, with the pile pushing over the obama library and all the filthy rubble piled up on the Clintons.

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