‘Goldilocks economy’ – IOTW Report

‘Goldilocks economy’

American Thinker: Some analysts looking at the jobs report that came out today are calling a “Goldilocks economy”: rapid growth in the number of jobs but the growth of wages under control.

The BLS reports that the economy added an astonishing 313,000 jobs in February.  Economists, looking at wage growth for any sign of inflation, were surprised at the annualized rate of 2.6%.  In short, it’s a strong sign that the economy is in a period of strong growth with no sign of slowing down.


Economists surveyed by Reuters had been expecting nonfarm payroll growth of 200,000 and the unemployment rate to decline one-tenth of a percent to 4 percent.  An increase in the labor force participation rate helped keep the headline unemployment number steady, as the number of those counted as not in the workforce tumbled by 653,000 to just over 95 million.

A separate measure that takes into account those out of the workforce and the underemployed – sometimes referred to as the “real” unemployment rate – held steady at 8.2 percent.

The labor force participation rate under Obama kept going down as more and more people dropped out of the workforce, too discouraged to look for work.  A leap of 653,000 in one month is about as good as it can get.  more here

8 Comments on ‘Goldilocks economy’

  1. You ain’t seen nothing yet. He opened the coal mines back up. Now he’s opening the steel and aluminum smelters back up. Both require a lot of coal. He’s ended sequestration and drastically increased the military budget. A huge chunk of that military spending will be on replacement parts for existing planes, ships, helicopter, etc, etc. All made from metal. American metal. And for the idiot globalists that keep yapping about the tax we are going to pay on steel (tariffs). Why are they assuming the manufacturer is not purchasing American melt? That’s the entire point of the tariff.
    And he’s drastically cut personal and cooperate taxes, which means more disposable income.

  2. The best response to all this so-called Social Justice lunacy will be jobs, jobs and more jobs. There’s nothing those idiots can say when more and more Americans are reclaiming their lives and futures and those lunatics will be regarded as the nut jobs they are. We have a generation who doesn’t believe they can pay all their bills, buy luxuries and still have money to invest in their futures. And it’s because of that, they became Bernbots who embraced socialism. Just wait ’til they see what sanely regulated capitalism can do.



  3. I’m involved in building spare control surfaces for one of our jet fighters. The sequester was killing our readiness. Many aircraft are grounded right now for lack of parts. If both parties didn’t have shackles on DJT the economy would be rocketing right now.

    I’d like to see a few Billion of that military budget go to the Army corps of Engineers to start building the wall. They could administer the project. I like the Fisher Concept.

    Let’s get some coal fired power plants back up! We’ve got 200+ years of known recoverable coal, and more than 3 TRILLION barrels of oil in the Green River Basin. Let’s match Germany’s auto tariffs! We need to take back all the ITAR work that Obungo shipped out. I want 3 more massive hydro projects! You can never have too much water. Let’s get that average work week up to 50 hrs! MAGA!!

  4. Barky
    We get our precision machine work through the DLA. During the sequester there wasn’t enough work in their bid board to survive with. During that time FSC 1560 (Air Frame Parts) dropped down to nothing. Two weeks before the election they took a dramatic up tick and leveled off. Last week they went through the roof.

  5. Why? Because Leftist don’t want to HAVE to work. Not only that, when they see the rest of their community living the good life, they will be despondent that their vision of utopia failed before it had a chance (to prove them wrong).

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