City Challenges Former Social Worker’s Claim She Was Fired For Her Concealed-Carry Permit – IOTW Report

City Challenges Former Social Worker’s Claim She Was Fired For Her Concealed-Carry Permit

DC: A young woman claimed Friday she was fired from her Virginia job for possessing a concealed-carry permit, but the city is saying otherwise.

Storm Durham, who identified herself as a 22-year-old sexual assault survivor in now-deleted Facebook posts, asserted Friday she was fired from Roanoke City Social Services for “having a concealed-carry permit.” Three Roanoke police officers escorted Durham from the premises because she was deemed a “safety threat to the building,” she revealed.

“A former employee of the city of Roanoke recently posted via social media assertions regarding the basis of her dismissal from city employment,” the City of Roanoke Office for Communications said in a statement. “The city does not publicly comment on specific personnel matters. In light of these assertions, however, it is important to note that the city of Roanoke respects the Constitutional rights of its citizens and that the dismissal in question was not based upon anyone’s exercise of such rights.”


“The city of Roanoke has no policy or procedure that limits the right of employees to hold concealed-carry permits as authorized by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia,” a city official told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Durham was fired from her job for performance problems, unprofessional behavior, missed work, dress code violations, and workplace safety concerns, according to the notice of dismissal WSLS obtained.

Durham’s employers pointed to her possession of a concealed-carry permit when she asked about the “workplace safety concern,” she explained to WSLS Wednesday. Her supervisor previously broached the issue with her during a meeting in February, which was documented in the dismissal notice, Durham said in videos now deleted from Facebook.  more here

8 Comments on City Challenges Former Social Worker’s Claim She Was Fired For Her Concealed-Carry Permit

  1. There ARE people out there that shouldn’t own firearms much less carry. I have turned people away from our class because we deemed them to be nukin futs and didn’t want to be associated with their training and certification. We would only run small classes less than 10 people and a two day course, we weren’t mass production or in it for the money.

  2. I knew Virginia would have a back-up plan no matter what the real story was regarding Stormy.

    She “could” be telling the truth. But they’ll have employees testifying that she was threatening, lazy, incompetent…etc.

    If she’s right about the CC being the reason for dismissal, I hope she can prove it and sue the crap out of them.

    But there’s really nothing we can do but observe and root for an outcome that we’d like to believe is the truth.

  3. She obviously got a lawyer who told her to
    scrub her social networks so they could not
    be used against her. The fact that she documented
    her employer’s continuous problem with ccp
    gives her a chance in court and she should take
    them for all she can get.

  4. How many others there with ccps and no problems?

    If it’s false, pack her ass.

    I watched a GS-12 with a get fucked attitude dig his grave and slide into it. There are a lotta dumb fucks out there.

  5. I sent the original story to BFH…

    He advised caution re opinions…

    I’m thinking chick has some definite issues and is probably not adhering to professional standards and ethics…

  6. Umm, Roanoke is pretty rural and just about everyone has guns. The city votes blue, but is surrounded by red. You can freeze frame the news report and actually read the dismissal letter. Even IF the CCW was part of her firing, it was a limited part. She has six different counselling sessions for dress code, attendance, documentation mistakes, poor attitude during training, and the vague workplace safety concern (maybe CCW) — in phucking five months of working there as a probationary employee.

    I am a division manager for a Virginia municipality and would have moved to fire her on December 18th for the third strike – attendance.

    This is not the poster girl for CCW rights.

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