Grassley: Broward County Sheriff ‘Let The American People Down’ By Refusing To Testify. – IOTW Report

Grassley: Broward County Sheriff ‘Let The American People Down’ By Refusing To Testify.


DC:Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley took a direct shot at Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel during his opening remarks at a hearing on the Parkland shooting Wednesday.

After reading off the list of witnesses, Grassley noted that “the committee also invited Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel to testify.”

“He declined,” Grassley flatly continued. “I’ve seen that sheriff all over television discussing the shooting, so it’s disappointing that he has refused to speak to the country through his testimony before this committee.”  MORE

12 Comments on Grassley: Broward County Sheriff ‘Let The American People Down’ By Refusing To Testify.

  1. The Sheriff’s job, as a good Democrat, is to take rights away from the American people. Testifying before Congress will not help in that regard, so he declined.

  2. This ain’t the Sun Sentinel or local xyz reporters with foreign accents asking questions, so Israel has no interest in preening before a congressional committee.
    Besides, he has “internal investigations” to oversee. {{{snort}}}

  3. Lying to the public is one thing, but lying to Congress, oh, he should be afraid. Oh wait, Holder, Clapper, Lynch, Lerner, Kerry, Clintons, etc.

    Never fear, democRAT stooge, powerless stupid congressional ‘investigations’ are a joke and a waste of time and money. The slackers of congress have to find some way to pretend to be busy.

  4. Israeli offered to send his spokesman David Hogg instead.

    (Hogg couldn’t go anyway, he’s too busy helping Anderson Pooper get over his boyfriend breakup)


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