SC: Custodian accused of stealing students’ money during “national walk out day” – IOTW Report

SC: Custodian accused of stealing students’ money during “national walk out day”

WWLTV: Richland County, SC (WLTX) – A woman has been accused of stealing money from students’ backpacks during National Walk Out Day.

Aisha Evans, 32, is charged with three counts of petit larceny.

The incident happened during Wednesday’s school walkout at Richland Northeast High School, According to deputies, Evans waited until the students were outside the building. She’s then accused of going through three students’ book bags and taking a total of $180 in cash from the victims. MORE HERE

h/t Right Wing Feather.

16 Comments on SC: Custodian accused of stealing students’ money during “national walk out day”

  1. GOOD thing the kids are AGAINST self-defense! They’ll remember this as “instructive,” when democrap-approved gangbangers break into their house, and steal their cars, in years to come! 😳

  2. So for $180 she throws away a $20 per hour gubmint job (and all the benefits), and will now be unemployable because she has a criminal record. I guess she won’t be finishing at the top of her class at Penn State anytime soon.

  3. But they just left money laying around!


    I’d like to have seen the snowflakes faces when they discovered they’d been robbed. Wanna bet they never related the two?


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