Has President Trump chosen a wall prototype? – IOTW Report

Has President Trump chosen a wall prototype?


DANGEROUS: REPORT-President Trump and MILO Have the Same Favorite Wall Design.

After Tuesday’s visit to San Diego to inspect eight prototypes for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, President Trump hinted he may have a preferred design.

It happens to be the same design that made Jewish homosexual coal burner and New York Times bestselling author MILO quiver at the knees.

After visiting the site himself over the weekend, MILO published an architectural review of the wall prototypes Wednesday on DANGEROUS, in which he ranked the designs on a “Hunger Games Scale” for cruelty, scariness, and sadism. Of his favorite design, MILO wrote:

This is by some margin the most effective design. The colder palate of this wall, rendered in slate with a truly gorgeous texture when viewed up close, fits perfectly with its surroundings. A gigantic tube crown makes it impossible to climb over or rest a ladder on; this is a pragmatic design that’s also subtle and delicate, and the perpendicular, infinite turret is so large it almost suggests an eave. Gun-metal paneling on a jettied story gives a post-apocalyptic, Mad Max feel, perfectly encapsulating the anxieties of Trump’s America. Tough to underestimate this wall’s impressiveness. The two-tone effect created by the evening light is visible at every orientation – but flashlight illumination from K-9 units would look just as good. No spikes, but a detail we’ve seen earlier in the grille, which gives the impression of permeability while remaining defiantly immovable: this wall’s V-shaped slats are redolent of muntins and intended to function exactly that way. The negative space created between this wall’s pillars are designed so that with every new Venezuela, Americans can have a visible symbol of the consequences of communism and corruption as economic migrants gather behind the bars, sobbing and begging. At times of especially desperate poverty in the various Central and South American countries, all of which seem to dabble in socialism sooner or later, Americans can gaze through the struts at hungry, crying children and the outstretched hands of starving pregnant women and be reminded why collectivism is always and everywhere a totally fucking terrible idea. Imposing, architecturally distinctive and unutterably mean-spirited. The perfect ten!

According to Breitbart, President Trump told reporters that he wanted a wall that had some “see-through capability” so that Border Patrol agents could see what or who might be on the other side.

Three of the eight prototypes have “see-through capability.” The President also said he wanted a wall with a rounded top, which would make scaling the wall more difficult. While four of the eight have rounded tops, only one has both these features.   GO SEE.

10 Comments on Has President Trump chosen a wall prototype?

  1. MILO is quite eloquent….. and appears to be torn about this whole “wall thing”. I imagine that in the minds of progressives, any wall is “mean-spirited”.
    That stated, I hope it is not an “instant” wall…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I want to see top-mounted motion sensor flamethrowers. And automatic robot infrared triggered grenade launchers.

    Mad Max fortifications. Lots of razor wire netting in which the doomed can thrash and struggle screaming for hours until they finally bleed out. Leave them for the scavenger birds. Nice visuals as they skeletonize in the wire.

    24 hour Spanish PA announcements, 9000 decibels, deep booming voices, warning the foolish to “turn back, only Death awaits you here, Bwahahahahaha”.

    Anything less than Sudden Trapdoor Acid Pits of Death ™ will be a disappointment.

  3. Love Trump, but this is not his call. The wall you can see through would be the easiest to defeat with a length of chain and an old truck to pull it down.
    If one is concerned with what’s on the other side send up a drone and let the technology work for you.


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