Okay, I am officially sick of snow – IOTW Report

Okay, I am officially sick of snow

PATRIOT RETORT: Yesterday I was finishing up some Dianny Tees shirts when I looked outside and noticed that it was snowing again. But it was that teeny tiny snow that doesn’t look like it amounts to much.

Well, it amounted to much.

Every time I looked outside, there was more of it piled up in the driveway.

If I had to describe my mood by seven o’clock last night…

By the time I got ready for bed, I could barely get the back door open to let the dog out. And this morning all the effort I put in to get the door open was for naught. I had to throw my weight into the storm door again so pup could go pee.

I think it’s fair to say that I’m officially sick of snow.

Okay, I’ve been sick of snow since December first. But when my friends from down south start posting pictures of their azaleas in bloom when I’m outside shoveling for the billionth time, I’ve reached my limit.  READ MORE

SNIP: It’s downright nasty in southern Nevada, too. It’s supposed to be 50 degrees tonight (Above 0)  😬
How’s it looking where you are?

29 Comments on Okay, I am officially sick of snow

  1. Sunny with highs in the 70’s – low 80’s, with a chance of rain. That’s the forecast for the next three months. Sub tropical Florida is going to be brutal after that.

  2. For me this has been a very mild winter snow-wise.
    All the nor’easters have skirted up the coast past MD and hit NY and NE with a vengeance. There is another one due on Wednesday but the forecast is mostly rain with just a little snow.
    I think I just jinxed myself…

  3. Mom sent pictures of hail from southern Nevada this morning. Today was tolerable in central Virginia, but still not great.

    I feel sorry for anyone still suffering through snow.

    Enough. Indeed

  4. 31° this AM, warming up for spring. Snow forecast for Tuesday, again. One of the local ski slopes was without power for the lifts last week, related to yet another northeaster. Don’t quite understand what happened to global warming here in frosty upstate NY. Kinda feel forgotten…burr…frozen pipes…not fun.

  5. I just checked the forecast. We’re going to have lows in the single digits this coming week. The only good thing about the snow is I have plenty of icicles for my dog. She’s an icicle addict.

  6. 63 in San Diego 53 for the low tonight : rain possible tonight, and I’m sure that will turn in’to your future Snow once it hits the Midwest then East.
    There is something wrong with the weather world wide, we did’nt have a Winter at all ?

  7. 77 here today but wind steady all night and day with gusts to 50. And A big grassfire 2 miles south of me. Wish we had some snow, sleet or rain to quell this drought.

  8. It’s been really, really cold here overnight the last several days, sometimes dipping below 50°F. I was taking photos of orchids and azaleas a couple of weeks ago. The azaleas are on their way down, but we have more orchids now. (-:

  9. It was pleasant enough mid afternoon today. Sunny, low wind, low 60s.

    I was on the patio enjoying the commotion at the bird feeder.

    Cardinals, red wing blackbirds, nuthatches, various types of woodpeckers, titmouse….

    Then a hawk swooped into my happy bird land, snagged a cardinal and took him to lunch.

    Sad. But hawks have to eat too.

    I like feeding the birds, but didn’t calculate that I’d be feeding birds….to other birds.

  10. Dianny….. You need some “dress-up” Tees. Say, like white with black cap sleeves and black collar…..? Something to wear with a skirt…. …smile.
    …..Lady in Red

  11. We had more snows down here in one winter than I can remember.

    However, daffodils have bloomed, tulips are up, trees have bloomed and our daylillies are coming up.

    Move to the South if you’re Conservative. Liberals not welcome.

  12. “I like feeding the birds, but didn’t calculate that I’d be feeding birds….to other birds.”

    Wow dude, you’re describing the Totalitarian Socialist Democrat party. Only one thing worse than them. Globalists.

  13. Brad – Crazy clouds and rain down the hill from you. Watching the snugging down turning them red and orange. Nice. Same weather all nigh and all day tomorrow.
    I love it. Summer is long enough.

  14. All Too Much
    Looking at a bad ass storm in the distance off my back deck. Working it’s way up the hill. Tahoe Basin got 4 feet of snow today and these systems are stacked like cord wood out in the Pacific. So much for the drought. So much for Global Warming.

  15. The only reason i am no flipping out about the frozen ground is because of my two dogs. I have the back yard all tore up from running a gas and electric line in the fall. To late for grass to grow. It is a nightmare cleaning muddy paws. As long as it doesn’t rain for 4 or 5 weeks, i couls use a break from the cold.

  16. Gale warnings on the bay today, snow likely forecast tomorrow or Sunday. The ground hasn’t been above freezing overnight yet, and silly me bought lilacs too soon that can’t be planted. They’re hanging on so far.

  17. Here on the lakeshore we didn’t get as much snow as we usually do, but the cold has been brutal. My pup, (originally from Mississippi), absolutely loved the snow we did have. I think most of our snow removal was handled by her, she’s a snow and ice connoisseur too.


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