White South African farmers in fear for their lives as the government prepares to seize their land – IOTW Report

White South African farmers in fear for their lives as the government prepares to seize their land

American Thinker: The government of Australia is offering to fast track visas for white South African farmers who are under siege on their own land.

It’s a story that’s not getting much play in the US – for obvious reasons. A group representing Afrikanners, the white minority claims that 82 white farmers were murdered just last year with 432 incidents of violence. The government is challenging those numbers and even whites admit that white farmers are not the only victims of violent crime in rural areas.

But at least some white farmers are living in fear and they are blaming the bill passed by parliament last month that will allow the government to sieze white owned land without compensation. Many white farmers are choosing to leave and Australia is trying to expedite “humanitarian” visas.

This has outraged the government who claim things are not as bad for white South African farmers as is being portrayed.  more here

29 Comments on White South African farmers in fear for their lives as the government prepares to seize their land

  1. Just like the way Rhodesia went years ago, it won’t be long until SA is reduced to a complete nightmare vision of planet of the homicidal apes. They’re close now, just add more squalor to make the sub-human scum more comfortable.

  2. Get on a plane

    Overstay your visa

    Seek asylum

    Never leave

    You stand around filling out paperwork, pleading, going through the endless debates and red tape, and they’ll be having candle light vigils over your graves.

  3. I have friends from Zimbabwe.
    Percy disappeared for a while and Sherry wouldnt say why.
    Turns out he had to sneak back into the homeland to
    get their children out.

  4. The SA government response is a classic leftist response: everything will be done peacefully. But that’s lighting a powder keg on fire and claiming that you can control the explosion. Government officials also claim that the murder rate for blacks is high as well; true, but this doesn’t mean safety – it means no one is safe and the violence is likely to get out of control.

    This situated should be followed more closely because like Venezuela, we get to see what happens when leftists take over an otherwise relatively stable country.

  5. Bbbbbb … Duh!

    Hello? Where the fuck have you been the past 4 decades?

    Gee! I be swimmin in the septic tank and now they’ze wants ta put the cover on an it stinks! Like, y’know, whassup widdat? Think there’s a chance I might get drownded?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It baffles me that these “legislators” and “gov’t” officials can expect ANYTHING other than chaos and widespread famine when they’re finished with the white farmers. History (recent) shows quite clearly that fact. It ALSO shows that SA will become an “area” (NOT a “country”) run by STROGMEN…who will fight among themselves until a “savior” will arrive. (Think Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, et all.) and a horrifying totalitarian state will replace it all. Still, chaos and starvation will be the rule. If there is ANY good that might arise from this, it is that the CURRENT crop of “legislators” and “gov’t” officials will be swept away…to end up as someone’s dinner. Tribalism, if the SA folk are LUCKY, will eventually take hold and they’ll be right smack dab in the STONE AGE.

  7. Phone call to CBS News room:

    CALLER: It’s genocide in South Africa! Hundreds are being killed solely because of the color of their skin!
    CBS: That’s outrageous!!! We’ll put a hundred reporters on it and go wall to wall coverage!!! We’ll even put aside our Weekly Schumer Scam that we run here!!
    CALLER: Thank you so much for standing up for truth and justice, your reporting may save some of the white farmers being killed and…
    CBS: White?
    CALLER: Yes, the white farmers are being slaughtered by the black racist…
    CALLER: Hello? Hello? CBS, are you there? Hello?

  8. Leave not one stone upon another.
    Sow with salt – Mercury would be better.
    Plant traps and hidden bombs – lotsa shrapnel.
    Write all instructions in cursive.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The problem is the EU won’t grant the farmers refuge status. Neither will Canada, Truduea laughed at the idea of whites being victims of racism as do libtards in the states.

    Bad things are coming and no one will do anything.

  10. I don’t understand why the farmers don’t get together and hire a mercenary force to assassinate the commie bastards doing this in a very spectacular way. What do they have to lose?

  11. It’s about time that somebody did something meaningful to help these people. The state of Western Australia already has a large ex-pat Afrikaner & Rhodesian/Zimbabwean community so they’ll fit like a glove. White Africans are famous for their hard work & resilience, making them a rare group of humanitarian immigrants that won’t instantly & permanently become a welfare drain on the rest of us.
    We finally have a reason to be proud of our woeful “conservative” Turdbull Gubmint. Mind you, I’d support Peter Dutton (Oz Minister for Immigration and Border Protection) as PM in a heartbeat. Turdbull is a bad joke & I’m genuinely shocked that he hasn’t vetoed Dutton’s call here. Give the wanker time I suppose, he’s well-known for being a bit slow on the uptake.
    But hey, who’da thunk that South Africa would become a third-world Marxist shitehole so soon after miraculously transforming a Marxist terrorist criminal into a Messiah-President? Barry would be so proud.


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