The Truth About Broken Britain – IOTW Report

The Truth About Broken Britain

It’s almost like the UK is no longer a democratic country.

you tube screenshot


13 Comments on The Truth About Broken Britain

  1. They let firebreathing imams in with no worries and welcome back ISIS “fighters” but will stop at the border any actual Anglophiles… The UK is in the equivalent of hospices care. The occasional pangs of guilt and pain (the Douglas Murray, Peter Hitchens or even Tommy Robinson) are drowned in the morphine of ‘all cultures are equal’, ‘Islam is a ROP’ & ‘diversity is our strength’.

    I watched my sister in the last days of her life die of cancer. It was not a pleasant sight. The UK is going to have a much more painful death and speaking as an Anglophile it breaks my heart. How can the nation turn back after the cancer has spread so far that the government is rejecting free chemo treatments from being allowed into the nation?

  2. Thanks for posting that, Africa Bob. You know, it’s almost like there is some kind of connection between the disarming of the citizens, and the importing of hoards of violent muslims, but I just can’t put my finger on it.

  3. Britain has had a blind spot for islime every since Richard the Lionheart failed. The Crimean War is a prime example, going to war with Christian Russia to prop up the muslime Turks. . . who turned against them in WW1.

  4. Rivers of Blood will flow before the Anglo-Saxons finally put down the hydrophobic savages that were imported for the sake of diversity and to boost the Labour Party’s voter base. One of the greatest countries in history destroyed by immigration from Third World Shitholes. Winston S. Churchill wouldn’t recognize the gutless wonders that govern the country he saved from fascism.

  5. Not so great britain has become an European Union diversity shit hole.

    I am most grateful that my ancestors chose to leave britain.

    May we never relinquish our Nationality, Sovereignty and God Given Rights.

  6. The dumb Irish liberal scum with a population of 4 million, want to take in 1 million savages and utterly destroy their country. I understand the dumb Irish jackasses leftover from the IRA have no problem with it. They fought, killed, and died against the British just a few years back and now are rolling over like drunken sailors for the muslime filth. Wow… talk about cement headed dummies.

  7. The website I mentioned before, where I post often, well, several days ago I posted that video interview with the English teen grooming/rape victim of Mohammedans.

    INSTANTLY (I knew this would happen), as soon as a second person posted something, two leftists – the Brit scumbag and an American scumbag – both started in after the poster with childishly obvious irrelevancies to get her off topic. She took the bait and the idiocy went on for two pages before a mod came in and swept up.

    Exact number of on-topic posts discussing the video itself, before the cleanup? TWO. There’s a name for this specific troll tactic but I can’t recall now what it is.

    Don’t tell me there’s not paid disinfo agents EVERYWHERE looking to derail, confuse or obfuscate just such discussions. Why there’s not more of them here is a surprise to me, but I guess Mr. Hat keeps them weeded out (thank you, BFH).


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