Dems offer to hire McCabe to help him get his pension – IOTW Report

Dems offer to hire McCabe to help him get his pension

Doug Powers: OF COURSE these intel community leaders were nonpartisan and not an arm of the Dems, why do you ask?

To me it’s hilarious how some in the U.S. intelligence community laugh off allegations that some of its leaders are stooges for the Dems. Hillary Clinton’s loss has provided a whole lot of evidence to the contrary. Here we go…

Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on the recommendation of the FBI’s Office of Personal Responsibility:

The FBI’s Office of Personal Responsibility has recommended the firing of former deputy director Andrew McCabe, who is accused of serious misconduct.

The recommendation apparently resulted from a report by the Justice Department’s inspector general, which found that McCabe leaked sensitive details about the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation to a Wall Street Journal reporter and then lied about it to the IG’s office.

The problem for McCabe is the firing came just a couple days before he was to formally retire, meaning his retirement benefits are in jeopardy. If McCabe, Comey and congressional Democrats are disputing that they’ve been in cahoots the whole time, they’re doing an awful job of keeping that a secret. One House Democrat has offered McCabe a job to give him a couple more days of federal work so he can qualify for his pension:  read more

16 Comments on Dems offer to hire McCabe to help him get his pension

  1. Of course,now this corrupt weasel has become just another victim of the evil republicans. That tactic by the left was expected, they apply it to everyone that’s committed an illegal act.
    From what has been reported this clown will be getting most all of his retirement benefits anyway. Hopefully legal fees will thin his wallet before he begins serving time.
    As an act of kindness maybe they’ll allow him to keep his plastic pocket protector while in stir.

  2. Rush was talking about this yesterday. The only pension he is possibly losing is an accelerator where he would be eligible early (at 50 – 57.5). Yes, that is a material amount but no he is not going to losing his entire pension (unless possibly criminal charges are forthcoming). Also the guy’s net worth is 11 million. Another swamp dweller leaving as a 1%er.

  3. One more time: McCabe DID NOT LOSE HIS PENSION. He lost the early retirement option. Now he has to wait until he turns 57 to start the benefits. In the meantime he can live on his $11 million stash. No doubt he was a whiz at trading cattle futures.

  4. Sanctuary cities/states, felons voting, and protecting anyone on their democrat team (Clinton’s). Even if they are law breakers, or anti-constitution types. Anyone can be justified as pure and honest when officially approved a Democrat core believer. Keep voting for them to keep them alive and well.

  5. @Redacted March 20, 2018 at 9:50 am

    > In the meantime he can live on his $11 million stash.

    That’s not his “stash”. Those millions and millions were earned by his wife. Completely unrelated to Andy’s government job.

  6. I *want* him to lose his pension — all of it! Being fired should entitle one to NOTHING! Prison — be still my heart! — would be even better.
    ….Lady in Red

  7. Any Repub that smears the President is loved but the LSM. Look at the the praise GWB has got 7 times in 14 months for slimeing Don. Most recent was only 2 weeks ago when GWB said, “That racist Trump kinda makes me look good!”. BTW McC was appointed by a leftist GOP President in ’06 – – can you guess the name?

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