Canada: Hospital Threatens to Revoke Disabled Man’s Care But Offers Him Assisted Suicide – IOTW Report

Canada: Hospital Threatens to Revoke Disabled Man’s Care But Offers Him Assisted Suicide

Life News: CTV News reported that Roger Foley, who is lives with a cerebellar ataxia, a degenerative neurological condition, has launched a lawsuit naming the London Health Sciences Centre and the Southwest Regional LHIN, stating that they are offering him assisted death (MAiD) but they are not willing to provide him with an assisted life.

CTV News reported Foley as stating:

a government-selected home care provider had previously left him in ill health with injuries and food poisoning. Unwilling to continue living at home with the help of that home care provider, and eager to leave the London hospital where he’s been cloistered for two years, Foley is suing the hospital, several health agencies and the attorneys general of Ontario and Canada in the hopes of being given the opportunity to set up a health care team to help him live at home again — a request he claims he has previously been denied.

“I have no desire to take up a valuable hospital bed,” Foley explained. “But at this point, it’s my only option.”

Foley has been offered euthanasia (MAiD), but Foley does not want to die – he simply wants to live at home. CTV News reported:

“I have been given the wrong medications, I have been provided food where I got food poisoning, I’ve had workers fall asleep in my living room, burners and appliances constantly left on, a fire, and I have been injured during exercises and transfers, When I report(ed) these things to the agency, I would not get a response.”  MORE HERE

7 Comments on Canada: Hospital Threatens to Revoke Disabled Man’s Care But Offers Him Assisted Suicide

  1. This is sad, but….. ….it really is all about resources, money. “You” tend to believe it’s infinite, an ever blooming chocolate milkshake tree, without seasons, without end.

    Every year, we get closer to needing to make tough decisions. (Social Security, in America, is on a close horizon line. And people *paid* for that and, if invested in a damn savings account, alone, would have paid zillions more than will ever be available from the government….)
    ….Lady in Red

  2. Apparently the Prime Minister is trying to save money somewhere.
    He has not the foggyest idea of what to do, other than raise taxes.
    Most citizens know that further restricts mone into the feds.


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