GOPe’s NAFTA Scheming – IOTW Report

GOPe’s NAFTA Scheming

CTH: NAFTA Watch – GOPe Construct U.S. Deregulation and Business Scheme To Increase NAFTA Appeal.

Sneaky.  CTH anticipated POTUS Trump would withdraw from NAFTA due to the FATAL FLAW that still remains unaddressed in all discussions.  So it came as a surprise to see reports (opaquely cited) that U.S.T.R. Lighthizer was willing to drop the U.S. firm stance on content origination rules within the auto-sector.

Why would the Trump team agree to low thresholds of U.S. auto-parts used in American cars?  It just doesn’t make sense.  Still doesn’t… but no-one’s talking right now; and clarity is impossible to find.  The bigger question remains:  Why haven’t we pulled out yet?

Perhaps the answer to that question lies in the heart of a plan concocted by a small group of conniving GOPe multinational business interests. The tricksters are creating an enticement plan to insert domestic rules on U.S. regulations into a renegotiated NAFTA draft.  The GOPe loves them some NAFTA. The GOPe will scheme to keep NAFTA.

Their current enticement plan is to work around congress, by structuring a NAFTA chapter on “rules of competitiveness”.  If the scheme works as they have outlined, many domestic regulations currently tripping up expanded U.S. business development, specifically shipping/transportation infrastructure (ports/railroads), could be reduced or eliminated by putting rules to override U.S. regulations in a final NAFTA deal.

Hypothetical Example: Portland, Oregon doesn’t want a new port facility to open. They block the proposal citing environmental regulations or internal infrastructure etc.   However, the new NAFTA rules require streamlined timelines and support the facility being built.  The NAFTA rule overrides the federal regulatory register (the domestic rule) being used by Portland to stop the development.

On it’s face, this sneaky approach seems like a way to cut through bureaucratic regulations to speed up economic expansion.  Ergo POTUS Trump would like the approach; or so the architects of the plan are approaching their construct by anticipating Trump’s thinking… Therefore POTUS Trump would see this innovative approach at deregulation as reason to remain in NAFTA.  “An enticement to remain”, at least that’s the plan in their mind.

However, the ultimate beneficiaries are not necessarily the local U.S. business interests; rather the beneficiaries are multinational corporations (Wall Street) who would still exploit NAFTA, but now hold a talking point showing benefit to Main Street U.S.A.   Hence, my definition of the schemers as “sneaky bastards”.

The “SNEAKS” never stop conniving and scheming. EVER.  In this endeavor, just like the TPP scheme no-one understood, Tom Donohue has the same Wall-Street-Minded Decepticons in position to pitch the ruse:

Ted Cruz of Texas, Steve Daines of Montana and Cory Gardner of Colorado. The senators touted the plan in a letter to Donald Trump on Tuesday, describing it as an unprecedented opportunity “to lock into law” major elements of the president’s economic development plan. (link)

You can barf or eye-roll, your choice.  MORE

5 Comments on GOPe’s NAFTA Scheming

  1. Gee Wally,
    I just don’t know who’s screwing us the Most. Is it the establishment republican Congress and Senate or a small group of conniving GOPe multinational business interests?

    Well Beav, it’s a gang rape. Don’t drop your soap.


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