Budget Passes House, But Nearly 100 Republicans Voted Against It – IOTW Report

Budget Passes House, But Nearly 100 Republicans Voted Against It

Daily Caller: The House approved the $1.3 trillion budget to fund the government through the 2018 fiscal year, allowing federal services to stay open but hampers many of President Donald Trump’s agenda items.

The lower chamber approved the budget 256 – 167, but oddly enough, most of the dissenting votes came from Republicans, who hold the majority, and not Democrats.

Ninety Republican members of the House voted against the bill, compared to 77 dissenting Democrat votes. In total, 145 Republicans and 111 Democrats voted in favor of a bill.

House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have sold the bill on an $80 billion increase in defense investment, but otherwise the legislation not advance many conservative or even Trump administration priorities.  more here

28 Comments on Budget Passes House, But Nearly 100 Republicans Voted Against It

  1. So there are roughly 180 “republicans” between both chambers that richly deserve to be hung by the neck ’til dead according to their votes on this monstrosity of a bill. Passing this bill is a crime against the future of America and these assholes are fully aware of it. My own congressman (Rob Woodall …… a carpetbagging, steaming sack of porcine dung) voted in favor of Paul Ryan’s establishment boondoggle as well as one of my corrupt senators, Johnny Isakson. The other senator, David Perdue, was allowed to vote against the bill (by his masters in the CoC) since the fix was already in, so he is able to pretend that he was against the bill.

    The Chamber of Commerce and Bill Donahue (among others) have to be made utterly devoid of any political power if America is to survive in the long term. The internet has enabled honest Americans to see and understand how corrupt our supposed representatives actually are (Mitch McConnell making a corrupt fortune from his Chinese suitors enabled by his wife among many other examples that are being reported on now).

    I certainly hope that at this point these people truly don’t understand that they are foolishly playing with fire and it is only a matter of time until they are charred beyond recognition by the results of the righteous indignation from a people that are beyond tired of being screwed over by the very “representatives” they elect to uphold and defend the Constitution rather than enriching themselves at our expense. I fear that we are in a time of “quickening” that won’t end well for anyone, especially the immoral scum that claims to represent us in congress.

    One of the only things that keeps me going in this world daily is that every one of these vile individuals will soon have to explain their corrupt, evil doings to YHVH himself. I strongly suspect that they won’t be smiling so broadly when the time comes for them to meet Him.

  2. Ryan and McCONnell, the capitulation twins have once again ignored the will of the people and Trump’s agenda.

    The establishment Short term gains (debt) at the expense of long term devastation.

    Remember when they said, give us the House, we’ll make changes?
    Remember when they said, give us the Senate, we’ll make changes?
    Remember when they said, give us the Presidency, we’ll make changes?
    All lies !

    Ryan and McCONnell and their RINO sheep are appeasers, liars and obstructionists.

  3. I am disgusted by another round of porculous spending but I am pleased that Brat voted “nay”…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. OK, Ryan and McCONnell sold us out again.
    Where are the approvals of Trumps’ 150 Judicial appointments.

    McCONnell is an appeaser of democrat resistance and instigator of RINO obstruction.

  5. Remember back to 2010-2016 how Republicans were ecstatic that their candidates during the midterms were being elected left and right to put an end to bloated Obama spending? I guess spending and adding to debt isn’t something we worry about anymore…

  6. They are keenly aware of just how little we can do about it and in general how short the memory of voters are. This is a cynical move to weaken Trump and slow any changes he’s making. This is McConnell and Ryan, they are calling the shots.

  7. My old MN rep voted for it and he is supposed to be a fiscal conservative (at least that is what he always ran on).

    Happy to see my new MI rep voted no. But I didn’t expect him to vote for it since he has been screaming about overspending for months.

  8. I guess the voters haven’t sent their elected officials a strong enough message as to why Trump won. They need another wake up call from the people picking up the Tax Tab, we want a real, actual change in wild nutszo spending from Washington.

  9. I do not understand why Trump would sign this crap of a deal.
    More Republican Senators voted against than did democrat Senators.

    GOP is going to lose both houses and it won’t be because the majority of people are left, it will be because the GOP are a pack of lying liberals.

  10. Trump is now saying he might veto the omnibus. He’s framing it as DACA that democrats are abandoning and lack of funding for wall. I don’t care why he vetoes it just that he does.

  11. Mithrandir:
    Pretty much, Pelosi and Schumer are gloating. That should be enough to see this is nothing but a liberal “screw America” spending bill. Which imo makes every republican who voted for it a liberal.

  12. 2200 pages of bullshit.
    I’ll bet that there isn’t a single maggot who voted on this monstrosity (for or against) who has read it.

    Ignorance is no way to run a country. PERIOD.

    And to vote on anything one hasn’t read – is VOTING IN IGNORANCE.

    We seem to be going the way of Wiemar – party and politics before country – taking positions without understanding what the positions are – voting for budgets with absolutely no idea of what the budgets consist – blind imbeciles stumbling through a darkened obstacle course.


    izlamo delenda est …

  13. @Old Racist White Woman, I saw that, too. I think he is saying he will veto it because “no DACA” so that the left will implode at the conundrum. They can’t call Trump evil when he vetoes the bill! Oh, no, what to do, run around with their hair on fire!

    At least, I hope that’s the reason.


    It lives! GWB has gone but UNIPARTY LIVES ON!

    America needs an honest, decent, conservative party. To quote a dead, white lady “A CHOICE, NOT AN ECHO!”!@#!?!%&@#


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