Nancy Pelosi was on TV again… 🤪 – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi was on TV again… 🤪

American Mirror: VIDEO: 23 Nancy Pelosi brain glitches — in less than 6 minutes!

Nancy Pelosi had a bear of a time making it through a 6-minute speech on Wednesday.

While honoring members of the Office of Strategic Services for their actions during World War II, the House Minority Leader suffered numerous brain glitches during the short remarks.

As compiled in a video by The American Mirror, Pelosi misspoke, repeated words, froze, or garbled words no less than 23 times during a speech that clocked in at about 5:33.

“Wow, wasn’t that great? Wasn’t that great? Oh my…” she began as she complimented a previous speaker at the Congressional Gold Medal ceremony.

She flubbed multiple words, like having trouble saying “strategic.”

“As the longest serving member of the Intell— Congressional Intelligence Committee, I know very well, but couldn’t possibly know as well as you…” she said.

She tripped over words.

“…to welcome you on behalf of so many of my colleagues, so many House colleagues, and Senate colleagues who are here,” later saying, “so f— uh, protect our troops,” and saying their heroism was protected from “the public— the American public.”

“During the darkness of World War II, the men and women of the OSS fought bravely— men and women,” she said, as if she hadn’t said “women”.  WATCH

22 Comments on Nancy Pelosi was on TV again… 🤪

  1. Too embarrassing to watch in its entirety.

    Incompetent leadership rules in Congress.
    Ryan & Pelosi in the House.
    McCONnell & Schumer in the Senate.

    And we wonder why nothing gets done based upon the Constitution or the will of the people.

  2. The perfect leader of the totalitarian/nihilistic cult of despair – a brain-damaged ideologue who can’t seem to articulate.

    I hope she lives forever – and keeps her seat in Congress.

    Even the morons in the Demonrat Partie will awaken to their spokeswoman’s failings sooner or later – and, I hope, later.

    Liz Warren is almost as irrational – almost.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. That is why I don’t install beta updates and wait for the full release.

    Pelosi-Bot’s outdated mainframe doesn’t have the processing speed for these new system updates.

    Bleachbit the hard drive and drill a few holes it.

  4. She had rather mediocre brain function on her best days and now to watch the incoherent babbling is something that if it were anyone else would be a pity to witness.

  5. democrats will never see what you see because their logic is not cognizant so nancy doesn’t have to be either.

    she doesn’t even have to be awake.

    her audience understands her perfectly.


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