Sex doll ‘brothel’ in Paris faces calls for closure – IOTW Report

Sex doll ‘brothel’ in Paris faces calls for closure

Breitbart: Paris (AFP) – Barely clothed or naked and perched suggestively on a bed or chair, the plastic dolls on offer in the most controversial “brothel” in Paris have led to accusations that they could encourage rape.

Since February, four silicone figures have been on offer at hourly rates of 89 euros (110 dollars) in a discreet apartment in the south of the city, far from the historic red-light district around the Pigalle area in the north.

Following complaints from women’s groups and left-wing local lawmakers, the Paris council is set to decide this week whether to close the 21st-century newcomer to the world’s oldest profession.

Xdolls operates from the three-room apartment as a games business, leading Communists on the Paris local assembly to ask city authorities to clarify whether the law has been broken.

The figures “present a degrading image of women and the noises they make could sound like rape,” the head of the Communist group, Nicolas Bonnet-Oulaldj, told reporters this week, adding that he wanted the business closed.  more here


12 Comments on Sex doll ‘brothel’ in Paris faces calls for closure

  1. I don’t care. As far as I’m concerned at this moment, France, Germany and the UK could all burn to the ground killing everyone in it and I would not care. And I’m pretty much feeling that way about DC, too.

  2. I think this is nothing more than a control thing. Silicone dolls can’t complain about anything (at least not yet), and humping a lump of silicone isn’t illegal. But men who switch from women to silicone represent a lost of control to the powers that be because silicone isn’t people – but is a substitute for sex with real people. The last time Gloria Allred had a press conference to whine about an alleged violation of a silicone doll and threaten to sue some producer was a pretty quiet affair because silicone can’t speak or even be annoyed.

    The rape claim is nothing more than a dog whistle in the wilderness. Men who use sex dolls are probably no more likely to rape anyone than men who frequent prostitutes – maybe less. No, control freaks who like big central governments hate the substitution of inanimate objects for real people that many switch to in order to avoid the personal conflicts created by those same control freaks – witness the proliferation of gamers living in mom’s basement. Interactions between real people can be controlled.

  3. So why didn’t they send undercover men up there and have them pop the dolls butnotinagoodway with sharp objects? They’re freaked out about dolls being raped but not actual women being raped by refu-muzzies???
    Feminists the world over are full-retard.

  4. This thing is seriously sad.

    This is just masturbation. I guess that’s also the good part.

    No kids can come of it.

    I just know one guy is going to give another guy an STD because of leftover whatever. They don’t need a woman to catch any of that now either.


    Wait, I just realized there is an opportunity for even darker ends.

    Like giving FB all your personal info and it’s theirs for the taking and selling – these guys are donating their genetic material for harvest.

    There’s plenty of bad things that could come of that.

    I have no problem with being celibate since Aug 2010. And I mean I HAVE NO PROBLEMS with anything sex related. No STDs, no spare kids out there, etc. And I may have 99 problems, but bitch ain’t one.


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