Roseanne Barr tells Kimmel to ‘Zip That F**kin Lip’ – IOTW Report

Roseanne Barr tells Kimmel to ‘Zip That F**kin Lip’

DC: ABC’s “Roseanne” reboot is set to once again grace the small screen on Tuesday, March 27 — and the show has already generated a fair amount of buzz due to the cast’s willingness to mirror the volatile nature of politics today: the title character voted for and supports President Donald Trump.

In real life, Barr has been politically active for years — she is outspoken in her support of Israel, and has even run for president on a marijuana legalization platform.

Naturally, when Barr and costar John Goodman appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” to promote the show, the conversation quickly turned to politics — and Kimmel kicked things off by bringing up her presidential run: “You were kind of the original crazy tweeter running for president.”

Barr agreed: “Trump totally stole my act.”

But then Kimmel got down to the serious questions, asking Barr about her former friendship with Hillary Clinton (“I had some disagreement with her foreign policy…”) and wondering aloud how someone as socially liberal as Barr is could support President Trump.

Barr flipped her response back on Kimmel: “I’m still the same! You all moved! You all went so f**kin’ far out, you lost everything. I mean seriously, a lot of your audience, and including me, I just wanna say this, Jimmy. A lot of us, no matter who we voted for, we don’t want to see our president fail, you know? Because we don’t want Pence. … You want Pence? You want Pence for the frickin’ president?”

Kimmel appeared to be taken aback : “Oh. no. No, I don’t want him either.” And Barr quickly shot back: “Then zip that f**kin’ lip!”

Barr concluded the segment with a wise assessment: “It’s up to us to make this government work, no matter who’s president. It’s up to us to do our jobs as citizens and if we don’t like something, you know, let them know you don’t like it and then you’ve got another election in two years. Get out there and vote. Change it if you don’t like it.”

watch HERE

9 Comments on Roseanne Barr tells Kimmel to ‘Zip That F**kin Lip’

  1. She’s weird, but what makes her a different lefty is she doesn’t like that the progs have gone full on stupid re: 1A. She’s kumbaya’ing in a less obnoxious way than she used to and she calls out the #metoo crap.

  2. I’m probably in the minority here, but I’ve always thought she was funny. Her show was funny, and I’m looking forward to the reboot. She did go wheels off for awhile, but once in awhile, she makes sense.

  3. I watch the beat down of commie Kimmel by Barr when it aired. It was great. LOL! Barr is crazy…and crazy like a fox. She knows her fortunes are lost without a stable economy. Plus, even though she thinks Pence is too far right, a fascist in her leftist world, the fact is a conservative leaning audience made her show a hit.

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