Everybody hates Zuckerberg: Elon Musk Deletes SpaceX and Tesla Facebook Pages – IOTW Report

Everybody hates Zuckerberg: Elon Musk Deletes SpaceX and Tesla Facebook Pages

DANGEROUS: In the wake of Facebook’s “data breach” controversy with Cambridge Analytica, Elon Musk has decided to take a stand against the company by deleting his companies’ Facebook presence.

Change is coming to the Internet, and it won’t look like anything we can expect.

Earlier this week, reports surfaced that Facebook suffered from a “data breach” that made the personal data available to firms like Cambridge Analytica, a data analysis firm that provides services to political campaigns and businesses seeking to target specific demographics on the social media platform.

As reports of Cambridge Analytica’s involvement in Trump’s presidential campaign hit the web, so too did older reports that Facebook had provided the same data to the Obama campaign in 2012, and to countless app developers. Savvier tech reporters gathered that the so-called “data breach” was anything but.

Motherboard’s Jason Koebler explains that thousands of third-party apps were designed to harvest personal data, some of which ended up being sold back to Facebook, which established partnerships with data brokers similar to Cambridge Analytica.

Facebook’s business practices flew in the face of promises made by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who told the BBC in 2009 that the company would never sell user information. more here

17 Comments on Everybody hates Zuckerberg: Elon Musk Deletes SpaceX and Tesla Facebook Pages

  1. Hey Zuckerberg, wanna save your world?
    That ‘Universal Income’ you go on about everyone getting?
    Whyncha pay us for the use of our data?
    Give us a cut of your action.
    Convince Bezos and all Silicon Valley to kick in.
    Be a hero and get yourself a statue

  2. Hysterical… The prog jackasses are basically doing the scapegoat du jour rounds hitting everyone who was supposed to tip the scales for Hillary but “failed”. This is pure Clintonista bullshit right here. They’ll do anything other that blame the vile, stupid cunt for losing the most winnable election of all time.

  3. Poor Lazlo March 24, 2018 at 4:49 pm

    Hey Zuckerberg, wanna save your world?
    That ‘Universal Income’ you go on about everyone getting?
    Whyncha pay us for the use of our data?
    Give us a cut of your action.
    Convince Bezos and all Silicon Valley to kick in.
    Be a hero and get yourself a statue

    Whoa! Totally on target.

    This needs to become a thing.

    Harass him with it like he’s a Nazi.

  4. Arguing with a libtard about this, on of all places the

    gocomics “Calvin and Hobbes” strip.

    I said the difference is “We” paid for 0webama’s info,

    Trump paid for His own…That Dude’s still posting rebuttals

    3 Days later….I’m a triggerer…It’s what I do.

  5. As much as I detest Zuckerschmuck, Elon Musk, IMO is no principled person worthy of my admiration. He may be a genius but relies on taxpayers to “launch” his ideas, so to speak.

    When he quit Trumps Economic Business Council in protest of Trumps remarks on Charlottesville, it wasn’t over his objections to racist comments. He left after he got a whiff of the booming economic agenda and assurances the govt gravy train would continue.

  6. I’d boycott or unsubscribe, but can’t because I refused to sing up to begin with.
    It’s nobody’s business when I go out to eat, go shopping, etc.
    I’ve never been so vain as to want to compete with others on how many “friends” I have compared to someone else.
    I certainly would not voluntarily sign up if I had to give up privacy rights to Zuckerberg.

  7. This is one thief calling another one unprincipled. Musk is a snake oil salesman whose empire is built on taxpayer money and backroom deals with government and political contacts while Zuckerberg is built on stock market suckers suckers and investment banker hustlers. It’s kind of fun though, watching one stick the other in the back. Facebook could be in big trouble over this. They grew like a wildfire and could collapse just as fast if people start to stampede to another app. Hell, I wonder if Murdoch still owns MySpace. A few weeks of hard coding and a app that extracts your data from FaceBook and ports it over and Zuckerberg will stop getting his calls returned.

  8. yeah, all the other Data Breaches w/ O’Barky & the DNC were just fine … but, this one w/ Cambridge Analytica was just TOO MUCH!!!

    … effin’ hypocrites

    (but it feels good when they turn on their own)

  9. I don’t have and I don’t like Facebook. But, to me, there’s more than meet the eyes in this story.

    What Facebook has been doing for a long time is nothing new or exclusive.I want to believe that everyone knew Facebook and every social media have your information, and that they use it to make money.

    The fake outrage now is just another excuse for “What Happened”.

    Big media lost a lot of ground for social media, and they’re trying to recoup that.

    In my opinion, Zuckerberg is not losing any money. He knew this was coming. His time is up. Hopefully Twitter and others like them will follow suit.

  10. Watch out for the stock market to reduce it’s value when everyone realizes that the P/E earnings for FB and the other big tech stocks are just illusions.

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