Arizona: Transgender Proudly Admits to Drugging Attendees at Conservative Conference – IOTW Report

Arizona: Transgender Proudly Admits to Drugging Attendees at Conservative Conference

h/t Bob.

WJ: A transgender woman claimed to be drugging attendees of a conservative conference in Phoenix, Arizona on Saturday morning.

The biological male and an alleged Starbucks employee — identified on Twitter as “Lauren” — claimed to be slipping estrogen pills into the drinks of unsuspecting customers at the conference.

“I love my job at the phoenix convention center starbucks and i love slipping my spare estradiol pills in the coffee of anyone wearing a #WesternConservativeConference lanyard,” Lauren tweeted.

Estradiol is an estrogen steroid hormone and the major female sex hormone.  MORE

SNIP: Permit me to be catty here, but from the looks of that dude, he doesn’t have an estrogen pill to spare. Yikes!

32 Comments on Arizona: Transgender Proudly Admits to Drugging Attendees at Conservative Conference

  1. Doesn’t matter if it was a joke, the cops need to rip this assholes life apart doing an investigation. Bankrupt him with legal fees and generally fuck him over so that nobody thinks of doing something that evil.

  2. Bad_Brad no I don’t buy Starbucks . I like my coffee ☕️ black and I only drink coffee in my house don’t trust the Muslim or the criminals illegal aliens or the people in Starbucks. But I will call them Monday morning to tell them to go Fuc them self

  3. Oh Lauren, sweetie, karma’s a bitch. The day will come when your Zima is plied with ruffies, your cellulite ridden body tied to the back of a “conservatives” F-150 and dragged ‘til your balls are detached from your gender confused body, rendering you road burned and further confused.

  4. and so stoopid he posted it. what a f-n idiot.

    you cant trust a tranny or a pervert.

    Stay the hell away from starbucks. How many times do we have to tell you???

  5. 1. He thinks he’s a woman.
    2. He puts prescription hormone pills in customer’s coffee at work in retaliation for his perception that the person dislikes him because of a name badge that person is wearing.
    3. He later publicly gloats about his criminal and immoral act on Twitter, seeking peer approval.
    4. He votes

    In the liberal, cultural Marxism world, he’s not considered bat guano crazy, just another useful idiot going through a ‘transition’ of some kind. His actions will somehow be excused, and he may even keep his job at Star-yucks. Although he deserves it, I doubt he will do any jail time.

  6. A friend (former USMC aviator) refers to such as these wastes as the kind of “person” who should be “Taken Out In The Street And Shot”. I all it TOITSAS. It’d be one.

  7. I prefer TOAH.

    Taken Out and Hanged.

    Said it before, saying it again…growing up lots of older people (WW2 era) would say “Biggest problem with this country is we don’t kill enough people,” meaning criminals. Now I understand. Public examples made of criminals does wonders for societal cohesion.


  8. Whats the matter with these people? They should have got up and marched emmasse to arrest this %&@(^&@(#%$*@)!##*! That’s what I would have done at this convention!

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