‘I Went Through Hell’: Former FBI Agent Says Andrew McCabe ‘Targeted’, ‘Slandered’ Her – IOTW Report

‘I Went Through Hell’: Former FBI Agent Says Andrew McCabe ‘Targeted’, ‘Slandered’ Her

FOX: A former FBI counterterrorism agent reacted to an op-ed written by recently-fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

“Not in my worst nightmares did I dream my FBI career would end this way,” McCabe entitled his Washington Post piece published Friday.

Robyn Gritz, who said she served 16 years with the bureau fighting terrorism, told “Fox & Friends” that she celebrated McCabe’s dismissal and that it brought back memories of how he allegedly mistreated her.

Gritz said that she began working with McCabe in 2005 until she ultimately resigned several years later.

She said McCabe retaliated against her for filing a harassment claim against one of her supervisors.

Gritz said that, while working as a “detailee” to the CIA, her boss began “scrutinizing [her] work and asking questions” about her purportedly being “fragile” after her divorce.

“He made some discriminatory comments about why I was traveling and such,” Gritz said of her boss at the time, who was not McCabe.

When she heard that the boss was making similar comments to a black coworker, Gritz said she decided to file a complaint against him.

Gritz said when she filed the suit, McCabe signed off on an internal investigation against her, adding that “he know that I was either filing or going to file the [case].”

“I went through hell for a year and a half,” she said. “Andy made sure I couldn’t get out of the division.”  WATCH

14 Comments on ‘I Went Through Hell’: Former FBI Agent Says Andrew McCabe ‘Targeted’, ‘Slandered’ Her

  1. I heard her story in a rare interview. Quite the distinguished career, instrumental after 9/11, cross purposed between the FBI/CIA.
    It’s suggested that Gen Flynn’s letter of support for her pushed McCabe over the edge.

    Like Flynn, they not only ruined her career, but sullied her reputation and finally bankrupted her. She ended up moving back in with her parents in PA, working in cosmetics in a dept store just to keep her sanity.

  2. poor little Andy … all those years of ‘sacrifice’ for ‘the masses’ & only $11 mill & a deferred $1.79 mill pension to show for it

    … boo hoo hoo …

    cry me a river, phuckwad … & I’m sure you’ll thank me, & every other taxpayer you ride on, when you spend your pension on things we only dream of … ‘eff off & jump in the nearest river

  3. McCabe is a fucking cocksucker of the first order. And I hope there is serious energy taken to totally destroy his life. Cunts like McCabe have been getting away with fucked up shit like this for too long just because they’re democrats. The fucking GOP better find its goddamn balls and fight these corrupt prick democrats with everything they’ve got, or this cancer will grow back twice as fast and twice as bad should democrats get majority power again.

  4. Oh, poor McCabe got a boo boo? Did someone hurt your feelings? Did you leak shit out you fucking shit-bag? Did you behave in political dealings against your duty? You are a political whore. You need to be prosecuted!

  5. That’s something I didn’t think about before. Getting tortured mentally by the FBI when they are your co-workers. Where do you get help if your boss is friends with the boss’ supervisor, etc.? It’s not like a regular job, it’s the frickin’ gubmint.

  6. MJA. Precisely. Robin spoke at length about this, how she and others were made examples of what happens to whistle blowers…. not only is your career over but we’ll ruin your life every way possible you’ll wish your life over as well.
    She said there’s been several agents who committed suicide.
    This is one of the reasons good agents within the bureau failed to come forward. They’d be Robin Gritzed.


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