Lindsey Graham’s claims about Christopher Steele don’t add up – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham’s claims about Christopher Steele don’t add up

Is it that he can’t make up his mind? Or is he a liar?


09:50 – Doesn’t Add Up. Never Has. Never Will. 09:50 The FBI Lied, Not Steele.

Senator Lindsey Graham appears on Fox News for an interview with Maria Bartiromo.  99.99% of the interview is country club Senator Graham repeating the same South Carolina white wine spritzer talking points he’s famous for.  That is to say lots of words amounting to nothing. The gastric equivalence of cucumber and mayonnaise triangle sandwiches on crust-less Wonder bread with a side of celery.

However, there is a reminder at 09:50 of a key and important point that tries to surface yet continues to get whacked down by the annoying duplicity of swamp creatures and a media that completely ignores the obvious.  Lindsey Graham claims Christopher Steele lied and told the FBI he never talked to media.

We do not know this to be true, and neither does he.

It is far more likely the FBI:… #1) Ignored Chris Steele talking to media because they needed his Clinton-Steele dossier for a false FISA application; and #2) the FBI later told congress they didn’t know about Steele talking to media, but they really did; and #3) the FBI falsified FD-302 reports of their interview with Chris Steele to cover their tracks.

Here’s how we know:

Christopher Steele had no motive to lie to the FBI about his media contacts.

The FBI had tons of motive to lie about their knowing Steele talked to the media.

It’s just common sense.

Christopher Steele wasn’t meeting in secret with the media, it was well known.  He was traveling around to meet them in August and September 2016.  Why would he lie to the FBI about such transparently well known action in October?  Answer: He wouldn’t. MORE

11 Comments on Lindsey Graham’s claims about Christopher Steele don’t add up

  1. This man is an insult to all the good citizens of South Carolina. Ya’ll can do a lot better. I cringe whenever I hear his voice coming from John McCain’s rectum.

  2. Lindsey is making a great effort to create two entities: the Greater Benign FBI, and the small, tiny, little cabal of FBI “Outliers”, as he calls them. The “Outliers” are the ones who secretly plotted with Steele, unbeknownst to Greater Benign FBI. He’s trying to create a scenario in which there is no widespread deep state conspiracy, no rotten from the top FBI, only a few bad apples and their friend Steele. Steele needs to shut up for that to work. And the threat of legal proceedings tends to have a quieting effect on people.

  3. Was just watching an old episode of Midsomer Murders last night, an elderly British woman offered the detectives some cucumber sandwiches at tea. Come to think of it, she looked a bit like Lindsey…


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