South Korea Agrees to 30% Reduction in Steel, Accepts Doubling of U.S. Autos, Accepts 20 Year Extension on Truck Tariff – IOTW Report

South Korea Agrees to 30% Reduction in Steel, Accepts Doubling of U.S. Autos, Accepts 20 Year Extension on Truck Tariff

CTH: The actual announcement of KORUS (“KOR”+”U.S.”), the renegotiated U.S. and South Korea trade deal, has yet to be made by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and U.S. President Donald Trump.  However, more details are surfacing inside KORUS media leaks.  Fantastic job by Lighthizer!


  • U.S. Gains twice as many exported vehicles into S-Korea (50k per manufacturer, per year).  [No word on possible Kia / Hyundai tariff or quota – RE: “unlikely”]
  • South Korea drops ridiculous customs inspection barriers. [Trade trickery ploy]
  • U.S. retains 25% Tariff on S-Korea pickup trucks with extension for 20 years.
  • South Korea gets two year exemption from a 25% U.S. steel tariff, but must drop steel export level to 70% of prior two years shipments. (A controlled reduction of 30%).  read more

9 Comments on South Korea Agrees to 30% Reduction in Steel, Accepts Doubling of U.S. Autos, Accepts 20 Year Extension on Truck Tariff

  1. The So. Korea labor union sounds like US labor unions with their whining about the deal being unfair and embarrassing.
    I wonder if the stock market will react favorably?
    I think people here in the US will.

  2. What a shock, getting fair trade deals doesn’t seem all that difficult when you actually make an attempt to look out for the best interests of the american worker. What a novel approach.

  3. Next thing you know, Americans will be 100% behind the movement to oust all career politicians and replace them with real Americans who’ve succeeded in legitimate careers.

  4. Wow… How about that? Sure is easy to get favorable trade deals when the persons negotiating the US side are actually interested in the best deal for US citizens instead of being K Street prostituted motherfuckers playing for the other side of the table.

    Fuck the Democrats. Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the DC swamp. They are fucking traitors, plain and simple. All foreign countries had to do was pour a few million into lobbying firms,, and they could fuck the US worker in the ass using Congress and the White House as the barbed wire dildo.


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