Maxine Waters admits she has no ‘facts’ to impeach Trump – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters admits she has no ‘facts’ to impeach Trump

AM: Maybe President Trump is on to something when he refers to Maxine Waters as a “low I.Q. individual.”

Waters effectively admitted she’s putting the proverbial cart before the horse on impeachment during an appearance on MSNBC today.

When asked about the chances of impeachment, Waters dodged, but said, “I believe that (Robert) Mueller will connect the dots, and I do believe that he is impeachable,” asserting the Special Counsel’s seemingly endless will provide the basis for removing Trump from office.

“And I do know that if he crosses certain lines, like the firing of Mueller that that puts him in the position where even Republicans may rise to the occasion and accept their responsibility,” she said.

“And there may be other things that we don’t know about. I have started, you know, this conversation early on, right after he was sworn into office and I learned a lot about his allies and their connections to Russia and the oligarchs, etc.,” Waters told Ari Melber.  read more

16 Comments on Maxine Waters admits she has no ‘facts’ to impeach Trump

  1. There’s ample reason for the world to think Americans are idiots, look who we elect into office year after year.
    That being said, most of the world has the same problem, that is, morons getting their way and keeping despicable scum in positions they have no business being in.

  2. It would be appropriate to profile each and every Congressional Black Caucus member to reveal how they live now, compared to when they were first elected and their district constituents.

    The areas surrounding Waters LA district have grown and prospered enormously in the decades she’s been in office as has Waters. Not so for her district.

    The same is true of John Lewis’s Atlanta district – a rare sewer in the megapolis that has become an international city that hosted the Olympics and has the busiest airport in the country.

    I’m sure the circumstances are the same for each and every member.

    The media gives them a soapbox to spew hate, venom and victimhood but it never asks “What have YOU done with your power and grants?”

  3. “Those are YOUR facts; those aren’t MY facts.”

    (said to me by an “African-American” employee caught sleeping on OT)

    Seems to be some kind of west African philosophy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Sooooo… she just DOESN’T like the way he “looks,” eh?

    Why – Lawdy me – I believe that’s called..

    RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😳


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