Palmieri: Census citizenship question also asked by Clinton admin ‘very distressing’ – IOTW Report

Palmieri: Census citizenship question also asked by Clinton admin ‘very distressing’

AM: Hillary Clinton’s former communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, thinks a move to ask people about their immigration status during the 2020 census is “very distressing” because she claims it will “chill the impact” of the national survey.

And others on the left, including CNN, are making the same argument, despite the fact that virtually the exact same question was asked during the 2000 census, carried out by Democratic President Bill Clinton’s administration.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Palmieri to weigh in on the Commerce Department’s announcement Monday that it plans to include the citizenship question on the 2020 census, and like many on the left, she prattled on about why it’s a travesty that must be stopped. read more

11 Comments on Palmieri: Census citizenship question also asked by Clinton admin ‘very distressing’

  1. .The undocumented sure don’t mind becoming documented when they go to get their Illegal Alien Driver’s licenses and Sanctuary State ID’s for welfare. Just answer the question, Juan.

  2. As an American CITIZEN I value that citizenship so highly I served my country, my government, and my fellow citizens enough to give ten years of service (some of it being shot at and being targeted as somebody’s enemy combatant).

    I am proud of my citizenship, heritage, and ongoing relationship with my countrymen (whatever their color) that one could say exceptionalism and nationalism in the same breath.

    I detest illegal immigration and criminal behavior that violates every sense of freedom and the pursuit of liberty our country gives to those we call citizens.

    Anyone who attempts to usurp the name, rights, and privileges of citizenship without earning same need to be escorted (albeit with some prejudice) to the nearest exit.

    What, I ask you my fellow citizens, is citizenship worth, if their are no distinctions made.


  3. Think about it, most of the people Hillary surrounds herself with seem to be Satanist’s, so the More they lie and ceate chaos the more success they will have on the Earth in this life.

  4. I wonder what the penalty would be for an illegal claiming to be a citizen? It should be swift and severe.
    What federal entity is going to crosscheck the voluminous census data to determine if someone is less than truthful? The feds are so good at efficiency, yeah, right.
    I’m sorry their countries are shitholes but that doesn’t give you them right to enter ours illegally and obtain benefits paid for by our tax dollars. Go home pendejo’s, and take a liberal with you.

  5. I dont mind answering the question— I wasn’t born here but at an early age i left all that i once was and became an AMERICAN, and i didn’t even speak English but i knew thru a translator what was happening.. I saw how proud my adopted parents were by the look and smiles on their faces. So Pedro become one of us or go back to where you came from…. MAGA…:)

  6. Yeah. As if the illegal-alien invading rat-people aren’t going to lie about it?

    They are ILLEGAL-alien invading rat-people! They are criminals by their very existence in our country! Why would anyone be so fukkin dumb as to expect a KNOWN CRIMINAL to tell the “truth” about ANYTHING?

    “… vanity of vanities; all is vanity.”

    Well, sort of, but more like:
    “Absurdity of absurdities; all is absurdity!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Funny. The question was on the census form in 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000, with no problem. Obama the traitor arbitrarily dropped it in 2010. Trump wants to return it for 2020 and NOW it’s some sort of constitutional crisis.


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