Tucker Carlson Educates Immigrant Lawyer On US Census Questions – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Educates Immigrant Lawyer On US Census Questions

DC: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson got into a heated debate with an illegal immigrant lawyer about the Trump administration’s decision to add citizenship questions to the U.S. Census.

Cesar Vargas, the first undocumented attorney in New York, argued that because the Constitution does not specify that the census should count citizens, such questions should not be included. However, Carlson seemed to stump Vargas when he asked if the same argument could apply to census questions about gender or race.

“Since I know you’re so familiar with it, [the Constitution] doesn’t say anything about counting people by race,” The Daily Caller co-founder argued. “The census does that, are you opposed to that? Should we not ask what people’s race is?”

Vargas refused to answer the question several times, prompting Carlson to interrupt him and ask again.

“The census asks what your race is,” he repeated. “I think it’s creepy as hell, to be honest…but the census asks it. And the left demands it ask it. Do you think the census should be allowed to ask about race?”

“Well, I think we should have a simple count, that’s it. And, maybe no, we shouldn’t have about immigration status, we shouldn’t have about race,” Vargas admitted.

Carlson extended the argument to census questions about sex, arguing, “only [a question about citizenship] bothers you — not because of the constitutionality of it, but because you think it might dilute the political power of illegal aliens.”

“Let’s stop pretending it’s about the Constitution,” the host asserted. WATCH

10 Comments on Tucker Carlson Educates Immigrant Lawyer On US Census Questions

  1. The last census wanted to know how many rooms were in my house. Why? I don’t know. All I could think was Dr. Zhivago, when they took over his house. So I lied on that one.

  2. “Cesar Vargas, the first undocumented attorney in New York.”

    My heart bleeds for all the very well-qualified foreign trained physicians, dentists, engineers, etc I’ve known who were forced to jump through hoops and “re-train” for years in order to practice in the US.

    Cesar, you’re no more than a cucaracha to me.

  3. I have seen past census records from my family genealogy. Some of the typical information (e.g. 1920)found: head of household by name, people in the household by name, where born, citizenship, what language do you speak, what are the occupations of all the household residents, do you own the house, etc.

    These people do not have a leg to stand on. I hope it costs California and other blue states some representatives in Congress.

  4. Why do these people who are NOT CITIZENS think that they have the right to tell the LEGAL CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES what we can and cannot do?

    If we had a Congress that actually represented the LEGAL CITIZENS this guy would be arrested and deported.

    Conservative Citizens need to get out in November and vote them out.

  5. So this Weasel Shyster Cucaracha (did I miss any categories?) is also an illegal alien himself?

    I’d love to see ICE (or just a passing deputy) arrest this guy for deportation.
    Live. On camera.

    I know several Immigration attorneys here in DC. Despicable weasels, all.
    One at my gym whines to anyone who’ll listen that Trump is killing his business, that he no longer finds immigration work “satisfying” and he’d like to move to some new area of scumbag dirtbag form-processing “legal practice”.

    The DoJ and/or the DHS, or POTUS, could put thousands of these “abogados” out of work permanently with just a couple of pen-and-phone administrative changes. That’s what many of them are privately afraid of.

  6. Here was my census response last time:


    That was it. They even sent a guy out to have me “complete” my form. I told him I would beat his ass if he stepped on my property. Same thing I said to the deputy sheriff he called because I had threatened him.


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