CA: AG Xavier Becerra Threating to Arrest OC Sheriff for Helping ICE – IOTW Report

CA: AG Xavier Becerra Threating to Arrest OC Sheriff for Helping ICE


It was announced earlier this week that the OC Sheriff’s Department will start publicizing all inmate release dates, specifically posting information about detained illegals which is in direct violation of California’s Sanctuary laws.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has responded with threats to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

Attorney General Xavier Becerra: State law is state law. And it is my job to enforce state law. I will do so. And we want to make sure that every jurisdiction including Orange County, understand what state law requires of the people and the sub divisions of the state of California.

Reporter: Does that mean a lawsuit of the sheriff’s department or the arrest of the sheriff?

Xavier Becerra: I think I just answered that.

Meanwhile, President Trump has tweeted praise for Orange County after the board of supervisors voted unanimously to oppose sanctuary laws.  more here

25 Comments on CA: AG Xavier Becerra Threating to Arrest OC Sheriff for Helping ICE

  1. Who’s he going to get to do it? And if he does find someone to do it, what are the odds they run into armed opposition from the Sheriffs department.
    Maybe Xavier should reach down and check his sack and try arresting the Sheriff him self.

  2. I wish this mother fuc will tell me that. Going to jail for doing your job. Xavier Becerra need a one one with me. I will embarrass is mother fuc Mexican . But I know he will never fuc with me I call Univision tv 📺 to tell Jorge Ramos that I want to come out on 📺 with him to embarrass him. Mother fuc ass .Because he is a traitor that became a American citizens in 2008 to vote for socialist Hussein. the mother fuc has dual citizens America and Mexico he voted in both countries. I’m a American citizens only. I don’t believe in dual fuc citizens.

  3. Brad, we had this discussion once before about who would go arrest a local Sheriff. You said you thought Becerra would send his AG/Cal State DOJ Investigators. I agree the CHP would tell him to lick their balls.

    Sheriff Hutchens should have been a little stronger in her response. She should have made it clear any attempt to indict her and have a warrant issued for her arrest for her actions that are clearly legal, would be a corrupt and unlawful act based on misleading and misinforming the Grand Jury. She has a right to testify in front of the Grand Jury herself and should make it known that she would do so if one is convened against her.

    She should also make it known she would ask the DA in OC to make it clear that any threats against the Sheriff to obstruct justice, scheme to effect an unlawful arrest, or deny the Sheriff her legal and constitutional rights will be put in front of their own Grand Jury in Orange County and they will return the favor. They shouldn’t delay on that.

    These vermin are singularly hell bent on the primacy of illegal scum over American citizens. They are edging closer and closer to the cliff. Even if Califucktard this will be too much for the majority of the people and it will backfire real bad. Becerra will ultimately back down.

  4. Mike Brown is an American Hero

    You’re on the money. I’ve sold guns to a few of those Cal DOJ guys and the ones I know I think would tell Becerra to fuck off. I’m sure he could probably find someone in that agency to do it. It’s important to keep in mind this Sanctuary State bull shit is all driven by La Raza.

  5. Just another red flag…..
    Stock pile the basics, have plenty of ammo, food and bandages. It may get ugly since the fucking democrats insist on tossing the Constitution.
    They lost last time and they will lose again.

  6. Swear to Thor, I was under the silly assumption that this secessionist shit was settled in 1865.
    Is California gonna be the wife with one black eye.
    I’m only gonna tell you this one more time.
    Hey, Satire !

  7. Quote copied from a political info site:
    “What does all this mean today in the Battle for America? Sheriff Mack says it proves that the sheriff is the highest governmental authority in his county. Within that jurisdiction – inside his county – the sheriff has more power than the governor of his state.”
    If this is actual law, that would mean the Sheriff can do whatever he/she deems necessary to uphold law and order in his/her county and the State has to butt out. States vs. Federal power has already been historical fact as happened in the un-Civil War. There are many Federal military installations in California. Whose side would the US Marines line up with?

  8. tRuth

    That is actual law.
    Our county Sheriff has stripped the Forest Service of Law Enforcement authority in our county. When the back ground checks went into effect for ammo sales, none of the ammo stores, or gun shops had received their licenses from the state. So the Sheriff declared a county emergency and allowed the ammo suppliers to continue selling ammo. He also posted a Sheriff at each Gun Shop and Ammo store in case a CalDoj person showed up.

  9. This is a natural consequence of the Obama years where it was o.k. for state and federal agencies to selectively enforce or not enforce laws according to their political views. Hutchens actually violated no law, but found a loophole around the stupid sanctuary state mandate.

    And good luck indicting Hutchens. After Mike Carona resigned due to corruption, Ms. Hutchens was elected sheriff and has ruffled no feathers in Orange County. If Becerra tries to indict Ms. Hutchens, she will be before an Orange County Superior Court judge, and I don’t think any of them would even consider convicting her of this nonsense. Finally, neither Becerra nor Brown are very popular in Orange County – particularly with regard to their illegal alien stance – and they would be run out of Santa Ana on a rail of they tried this.


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