California: Bay Area Gas Closing in on $4 a Gallon – IOTW Report

California: Bay Area Gas Closing in on $4 a Gallon

From KFI: Drivers in the Bay Area have had a steady plateau of gas prices stabilized at $3 a gallon or less. Well, that isn’t the case anymore.

Gas prices are rising and flirting with a $4 a gallon price point expected by Memorial Day.

“Demand for gasoline this March was very strong, closer to the demand typically seen during the summer,” said Michael Blasky, spokesman for AAA in Northern California. “If demand stays strong, the price of fuel is likely to keep rising.”

The state average is $3.10 while the national average is only $2.61, nearly 90 cents cheaper than the Bay Area.

12 Comments on California: Bay Area Gas Closing in on $4 a Gallon

  1. I have always had a hard time believing that fuel prices are not manipulated for political gain, usually for Democrats.

    I remember being reassured back in 2005 that the spike in gasoline prices caused by the disruption of oil production in the gulf and the Houston area refineries by Hurricane Katrina would be over before Christmas. It wasn’t, and they stayed high for the remainder of Dubbya’s term. I feel that this lack of price recovery was a significant factor in Dubbya’s loss of Republican domination in Congress (not that it was any great loss, given their performance) in the 2006 mid-term election.

    If nevertrumpers and Democrats want to derail Trump’s train, $5/gallon (nationwide average) gasoline this summer might just do the trick.

  2. It happens every summer, as long as it’s available I’ll pay whatever it is. Back in the day there was no gas at some stations at any price. Thank jimmy carter. Fuel in Europe is close to $6 agal.

  3. Say what you will about higher gas prices, but they do tend to keep some of the really
    low-class riff-raff off the highways. Definitely helps with traffic congestion, too.


  4. Back in n the 1970 – 1973 time period when I was stationed at Los Angeles AFS, gasoline was running around 35 cents a gallon with swings to as low as 25 cents.
    I also could get a nice apartment a few blocks from the beach for around $200 a month with utilities included.

    One of the differences was Governor Ronald Reagan😀

  5. All the plans they have of charging people taxes according to the number of miles driven instead of paying at the gas pump are aimed at one purpose only. They will require every vehicle to have a tracking device to record the mileage and also the whereabouts of every vehicle, thus keeping track of the location of every driver. It’s already happening in England.


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