California: Orange County Has No Plan to Deal with the Homeless – IOTW Report

California: Orange County Has No Plan to Deal with the Homeless

KFI: Orange County has taken steps to deal with their homeless problem including removing bus benches dear(sic) Disneyland and clearing out the Santa Ana Riverbed but their steps to push them out has no follow through.

There is no clear plan in place for where the homeless will go and if the last two weeks are any indication, residents will not tolerate shelters or county sanctioned tent cities in their neighborhoods or parks.

After more than 1,000 community members protested at a Board of Supervisors meeting, the county walked back on their plans for temporary homeless shelters in Huntington Beach, Laguna Niguel, and Irvine. Many of the homeless are currently staying in motels but those vouchers are set to expire and once they do, there will be even more homeless wandering the street.   read more

13 Comments on California: Orange County Has No Plan to Deal with the Homeless

  1. Orange county officials got nuthin except optics. They’re just shuffling the homeless chairs around the deck of their Titanic to make it look like they’re doing something.
    What they need to do is build more mental institutions for them instead of trying to mainstream crazy!

  2. Don’t need an all-encompassing centralized plan.
    Don’t house em, don’t feed em, don’t welcome them, and eventually, they’ll leave.

    Roust em out – aren’t the vagrancy laws still on the books?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Don’t feed the squirrels!
    May sound simplistic, but when you take care of a group it grows. There are ways to help those truly in need, and to get them out of the spiral, but governments all want to pass the buck. They’ve got pensions to pay!!!

  4. Most homeless are lazy and don’t want to work, there are jobs everywhere, but it’s easier to put their hand out on the corner. Seems to me I read something about if a man doesn’t want to work neither shall he eat. When you’re hungry enough you will work for it.
    Most homeless have typically burned every bridge in their life and when we feed them we are not helping them. It’s the right thing to do, get over it.

  5. My plan here locally, is to hand out flyers to the homeless explaining that Stockton California will give them a guaranteed wage of $1500 per month. A simple 2 day freight train trip from here!

  6. OC does have a plan. Offer assistance to those wanting/willing to improve their lives, put substance abusers and the mentally ill (often the same) in an institution, criminals in jail and chase the rest out of the county. Sounds good to me.

    Now, they did not come to that solution immediately. It was only after the good citizens of the county refused to host virtue signalling tent cities.

    I have no doubt, however, that Sacramento and/or a federal judge will intervene and force OC to coddle the “homeless”.


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