Danny Glover Praises Health Care Of Socialist Country With No Medicine – IOTW Report

Danny Glover Praises Health Care Of Socialist Country With No Medicine

FPM: Every Socialist should be forced to rely on socialized medicine.

This Saturday in Caracas, Danny Glover praised Maduro’s government for “advancing humanity through education, health, and other aspects that honor human kind.”

Venezuela is advancing all right with food riots, starvation and refugees trying to escape the country. It’s facing a measles and TB outbreak. And there’s no actual medicine.

Dying Infants and No Medicine: Inside Venezuela’s Failing Hospitals – New York Times

“Hospital wards have become crucibles where the forces tearing Venezuela apart have converged. Gloves and soap have vanished from some hospitals. Often, cancer medicines are found only on the black market.”

Venezuela’s chronic shortages give rise to ‘medical flea markets’ – Reuters

“The local pharmaceutical association estimates at any given time, there is a shortage of around 85 percent of drugs.”

Socialized medicine. Yes, it really will kill youMORE HERE

17 Comments on Danny Glover Praises Health Care Of Socialist Country With No Medicine

  1. Countries pushing it citizens to the edge of the cliff and Danny gives an attaboy and a pat on the back. Hollywood can’t seem to make a movie worth a crap but they excel in producing idiots.

  2. Glover’s just a tool.
    Doesn’t it seem to all of you, that they are being Depopuluted for some reason ? What is it they are after that would be easier with the Citizens Dead ??? Oil – Strategic land – Rar earth elements ???
    Venezuala is a 3 hour flight and one Plane full of Medicine would change their predicament ?

  3. Most actors/actresses hold their world view from the prism of an artificial light passing through the Hollywood kaleidoscope of make believe and fictitious reality.

  4. I had “2012” on as background noise (disaster porn) while I worked on a rifle yesterday morning. He really IS as dim as the President he played – getting righteously smushed by the U.S.S. John Kennedy. 😛

  5. There I fixed it:
    This Saturday the carcass of Danny Glover praised Maduro’s government for “advancing humanity through education, health, and other aspects that honor human kind.”

  6. Mr. Glover you and Sean Penn are the only people in American that think Maduro is an asset to Venezuela. I hope an aircraft carrier falls on your stupid ass.

  7. What the fuc he is talking about in Cuba you can’t even get baby aspirin. If this mother fuc like socialist so much then pack your negro ass to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea. Bitch we don’t want that shit in the great USA fuc you mothers fuc Danny Glover.


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