Do you love camping but hate wearing clothes? – IOTW Report

Do you love camping but hate wearing clothes?

A Nudist Colony Is On The Hunt For A Lifeguard.

Daily Caller: A Rhode Island nudist campground put out an ad Tuesday looking for a lifeguard to help out around its campground.

Dyer Woods Nudist Campgrounds wants a qualified lifeguard with “excellent communication skills” and the ability to be a team player for the part-time position over the summer, the Associated Press reported.

“Good with children and families, light pond maintenance, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work as part of a team,” the job description placed on the campground’s Facebook page reads.

The campground president, Jim Johnson, said a bathing suit also isn’t needed for the lifeguard position. MORE

SNIP:  … I can’t even. You guys make the jokes.

13 Comments on Do you love camping but hate wearing clothes?

  1. I’ve heard that drowning people will grab on to rescuers and won’t let go. In their panic, they will pull you under and drown you. Getting your arms or neck grabbed would be bad enough.


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