CNN: JFK Had A ‘Legendary Love Life’ – IOTW Report

CNN: JFK Had A ‘Legendary Love Life’

Daily Caller: CNN’s Original Series is touting President John F. Kennedy’s “legendary love life” as the network drags President Donald Trump for his alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels.

On Saturday, the CNN Original Series account tweeted, “JFK had a legendary love life. Did one of his affairs connect him with the mob?”

JFK biographer Robert Dallek refers to the deceased president as a “compulsive womanizer.” JFK has been accused of having a number of affairs while president, including with stripper Tempest Storm, actresses Lee Remick, Audrey Hepburn, and Marilyn Monroe, Judith Campbell, Mimi Alford, and more.

CNN’s tweet represents a larger trend of romanticizing JFK’s infidelity, despite the fact that CNN has simultaneously painted Trump’s alleged affair and hush payment to a porn star as a “scandal” that could undo his presidency.  more here

17 Comments on CNN: JFK Had A ‘Legendary Love Life’

  1. Whatever happened with Big Tits Stormy, it was never an “affair!” “Affairs” dribble on and on and on….

    It was — at most — a one night stand. …Lady in Red

  2. Damn, I used to have the hots for Lee Remick–not no more. Same way I felt when I found out Jill St. John dated Henry Kissinger. Eeww–just EEWWW!

    Thanks alot, MJA.

  3. Aaaaand Chappaquiddick is releasing next week in theaters.

    If being a rich horn dog bedding gold diggers is a crime, unless you drown one, like ted Kennedy did, which apparently wasn’t a crime, then this conversation has no starting point.

    What are these libtards talking about? Trump did the hey diddle diddle?

    You all are boring me. Stfu.

  4. JFK, LBL,WJC, banging cocktail waitresses, actresses, and anything with a skirt, even raping, as in the case of WJC,
    just “legendary love lives,” But Donald Trump getting laid? Now that’s a scandal. Anyone know if Anderson Cooper uses a condom? Or if his male lover uses a condom?
    I used to hit the whore houses in Barcelona, Genova, and Naples in my younger days, Lots of fun believe me. Hell who didn’t? Never been to a gay bar though, never wanted my stool pushed in like Anderson and Shepard Smith.
    Whale Oil Beef Hooked! Again

  5. Mimi Alford. She was a nineteen year old intern working in the White House when JFK had his way with her. The Secret Service used to pick Mimi up at her dormitory at her college in Virginia to bring her to the White House when Jackie was out of town. They didn’t call him “Mattress-back Jack” without a good reason.

  6. I remember being in a bar in The Ramblas, in Barcelona, back in the 60’s. It was a fun night. The girls were available but few were paying attention to them. The bar was full of foreigners, like me. One most enjoyable fellow, a German merchant mariner, was hilarious. He bragged that he never paid for sex and the girls would have to pay him to have sex with him. The phucked up half Spanish,quarter German, and quarter English confrontation between the girls at the bar and Hans was a sight to behold. Damn I miss the old days. I miss genuine ribaldry.

  7. What’s good for the gander is what’s good for the goosed. Therefore, I propose a TV interview with someone claiming to have had anal sex with Anderson Cooper. Give America all the details of two men butthole surfing. It’s just as relevant. And don’t forget to go wall-to-wall with it for months.


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