Shulkin Grilled Over Alleged Ethics Violations At VA – IOTW Report

Shulkin Grilled Over Alleged Ethics Violations At VA

Daily Caller: Recently ousted Veterans Affairs Sec. David Shulkin appeared on two Sunday shows to protest his firing and ended up getting grilled over his alleged ethics violations.

According to the VA’s inspector general (IG), Shulkin improperly used taxpayer money to fund a trip to Europe for him and his wife. The IG report says that nearly half of the trip was spent on private vacation time and that Shulkin and his wife improperly accepted tickets to attend Wimbledon.

Shulkin appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday in an attempt to blame his firing solely on his opposition to VA privatization, but hosts of both shows forced him to respond to his alleged misconduct.

“Your critics say that all of your discussion about privatization is you trying to cover-up some of the ethics charges against you,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said. “You said that the controversy was really all about politics but former Obama White House ethics chief…called out your behavior writing in [The Los Angeles Times], deceiving an ethics is a serious offense for a government employee.”

5 Comments on Shulkin Grilled Over Alleged Ethics Violations At VA

  1. You’d think it wouldn’t be that hard to find a VA chief who actually loved our veterans more than he loved himself and a cushy lifestyle.
    And this clown was a recent appointment. A reformer, it was claimed. Wimbeldon!


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