Trump Wants Senate To Go ‘Nuclear’ To Pass Border Wall Funding – IOTW Report

Trump Wants Senate To Go ‘Nuclear’ To Pass Border Wall Funding

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump urged the U.S. Senate to change its rules Monday in order to pass funding for his proposed wall along the US-Mexico border.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders echoed Trump’s call in a Monday morning interview on Fox and Friends saying “I hope Republicans do, and follow the president’s lead.”

“We have influx of drugs and gang members coming across from Mexico but through Mexico,” Sanders continued. “They need to step up and do more.”

“Congress has to step up and do more, making sure we do everything we can to protect the people of this country. That is what the president is committed to doing.”

15 Comments on Trump Wants Senate To Go ‘Nuclear’ To Pass Border Wall Funding

  1. Never gonna happen. McConnell.

    I don’t anticipate congress acting on anything that benefits U.S. citizens, and certainly not in time to stop the invaders rapidly approaching the southern border.

  2. Mexico is enabling several thousand people from other nations to march through Mexico for the purpose of illegally crossing our border, also known as invading. This is an act of war.

  3. joe6pak

    These people are primarily from Honduras. Murder capital of the world. They’re asking for asylum. However the caravan mainly consists of young men between the ages of 17 and 28. Sounds to me like these are the murderers looking for greener pastures.
    If it’s illegal for ICE to stop them then they need to get off the border and Trump needs to ask the Oathkeepers to step in.

  4. Brad, I wonder if they could deputize us and put us on temporary assignment on the border. I would buy whatever gear I need that I don’t have already and take some time off work to do it. I hope the marchers get to the border before summer, I heard it gets pretty hot down there. We also need to make Mexico pay a steep price for allowing this to happen, so steep they never do it again.

  5. I wouldn’t want to second-guess President Trump, but he should have called it “go Reid” – that would have been more appropriate (and more accurate).

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Close all the US-Mexico ports of entry and put all the Customs and Border Patrol agents on patrolling the border. Let’s see how much Mexico likes having illegal immigration and smuggling thrown back at it’s face. I can learn to live w/o guacamole.

  7. I admit, I am not totally familiar with governmental protocol, isn’t it possible for Trump to put the National Guard on the border, complete with loaded weapons??

    If not, why not the U.S. Army??

  8. @a non a moose

    Stolen is right. By illegals for sure but more so by elected politicians, judges, and the gazillion entrenched bureaucrats we pay for cradle to grave.


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