Lucky Day, Lucky Day – Mexico’s Version of Hugo Chavez is Holding 18 Point Lead In Election Polling – IOTW Report

Lucky Day, Lucky Day – Mexico’s Version of Hugo Chavez is Holding 18 Point Lead In Election Polling

CTH: If the news from the first round of Mexican election polling was any better we’d have to be twins to enjoy it.   Andres Obrado, a well-known Marxist who intends a government take-over of the Mexican energy sector, is holding a commanding 18-point lead.

This is excellent news for border wall enthusiasts and those who want the Trump administration to pull out of NAFTA.

Mr Obrador is the modern Mexican version of Hugo Chávez (or Nicolàs Maduro/Bernie Sanders) with a similar ideological outlook.  His resulting territorial economic policies are certain to deliver the Venezuela outcome to the Mexican people.

For American companies doing business in Mexico, an Obrador win would be the worst possible outcome.  They will lose hundreds of billions from their current Mexican investments, as President Obrador swoops in to skim (tax) corporate profits for his state-run enterprises and care for ‘his people’. However, the good news is – those U.S. multinationals will likely all return to the U.S. asap.  Lucky day, lucky day.  read more

SNIP: If we’re still doin’ that wall thing, we should really step it up.

24 Comments on Lucky Day, Lucky Day – Mexico’s Version of Hugo Chavez is Holding 18 Point Lead In Election Polling

  1. He will be squished like a bug. As will pelosi, mccaskill, Timmy Kaine, joe manchin and a bunch of others that need to be dispatched. You just wait. I’ve never felt more optimistic.

  2. I remember reading that when Richard M. Nixon became President, he asked the CIA to give him a report on the greatest threats facing the United States. He expected to read that the CIA considered the Soviet Union or Red China posed the greatest threats to the country. After all, it was at the height of the Cold War, and the Vietnam War was raging. Instead, Nixon read that the CIA considered Mexico’s unrestrained population growth to be the greatest threat that this country faced during the longer term. At that time Mexico was a functioning country without deadly drug cartels and not as corrupt as it has become. What nobody could have comprehended back in the 1960s, was how Democrats would eventually betray their country to allow the Mexicans to come here in the millions and change the demographics of our country.

  3. I can’t see the PRI allowing this guy to win. The PRI is a very corrupt bunch, and allowing a communist to take the Mexican presidency would likely destroy their hold on power.

    But if Obrador does win and take power like Chavez did, I could foresee Mexico building its own wall to keep its people in. And Mexico would be an absolute mess: Obrador would destroy Mexican industry much as Chavez did for Venezuela, there would likely be an overt civil war against the cartels that control much of Mexico, people would starve, and the citizens Mexico needs to keep would try to flee. If there is a level worse than third world shithole, perhaps Mexico will discover what that is much like Venezuela is doing and South African will do.

    Death and destruction follow leftist policies. Like parasites, leftists in power are notoriously difficult to root out and destroy. Yes, the resulting chaos will likely lead to a wall between the borders and benefit the US economy in the long term (at least so long as we keep out own socialists at bay), but I feel sorry for the ordinary Mexican citizens.

  4. Her is how I see it going.
    1)Commie wins
    2) Nationalizes energy sector.
    3) Messes it up.
    4) Figures it is Uncle Sam’s fault.
    5) Nationalizes factories we have set up down there.
    6) USA pulls investment from another commie shithole country.
    7) Refugee pressure gets so bad even libtards here want a wall.
    8) War follows.

  5. Mexicans have been living in a stinking desert with nothing and now they can have even less…. They’ve been waiting for this for hundreds of years..,.

  6. The Left likely won the last presidential election and they came very close the previous two. I agree that the PRI will not give up control easily, but at what cost? Unfortunately, there is no strong conservative candidate, at least not one willing to risk his/her life against the corrupt narco state and/or marxist thugs.

  7. True peasant Mexicans never see or get any help from the Government, so they are desperate enough to Hit the Pinata
    now and grab what they can from the floor !
    We think we have an Immigration problem now,give it five years.

  8. I fail to see how this is a good thing. Puerto Ricans flooded into FL after Irma, threatening to turn purple areas blue, two thirds of Hondurans are living in the U.S., Mexicans who’ve been deported numerous times fearlessly return as if returning from a vacation, and now Venezuelans are knocking at the door.

    Castro’s Mariel boat lift set a precedent, dump your degenerates on the U.S., they don’t mind. A 30’ Wall may slow them down, but if anyone thinks feckless congress will put an end to chain migration or birthright citizenship, you’re dreaming. Oh, and don’t forget asylum seekers. Nope, I don’t see the humor in this at all.

  9. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk April 2, 2018 at 10:37 pm

    At least the Americans still With Her will have someplace warm to go, instead of just Canada.

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