Every Democratic Politician Should Be Forced To Answer This Question – IOTW Report

Every Democratic Politician Should Be Forced To Answer This Question

The Lid: As a conservative, one of the things that frustrate me most about the media’s coverage of various issues and events is how the media turns every controversial issue into a question that every Republican politician must be forced to answer. Second Amendment

Did some national figure just say something stupid? Ask every Republican if he/she agrees with that stupid opinion.

Did some national figure just say something controversial? Ask every Republican where he/she stands on that issue.

Did some national figure just say/do something that half the country disagrees with? Ask every Republican what he/she thinks about what has just happened.

In 2012 when Todd Aken blew his Missouri Senate bid with the extremely stupid comment, “If it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down,” the first question out of most MSM reporters mouths when confronting a Republican was, “do you agree with Todd Aken?”

Even worse, the media does this kind of “investigating” when the original person isn’t even a national figure. (Perhaps it was a county clerk who refused to sign a marriage license for a gay couple, or maybe it was a racist who decided to endorse a Republican candidate, or maybe some violent criminal threatened an abortion doctor. All of these things led to mass questioning of GOP officials.)

But this same issue NEVER happens with Democrats.

Hillary Clinton just said every Trump voter is a violent racist, misogynist, and homophobe who hates other people. Did the media ask every Democrat if they agreed with her? Nope.

7 Comments on Every Democratic Politician Should Be Forced To Answer This Question

  1. Gee … the implication being that the national (local and regional) “news” is biased?

    Gambling at Rick’s?
    I’m shocked! Shocked I tell ya!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It has become painfully apparent that all news sources today are all skewed towards liberal viewpoints.
    All we can do is keep an open mind and make your our decisions.

  3. I don’t listen to democraps. I just presume the “D” behind their name on the news, or on the ballot, stands for “DUMBASS.”

    And remarkably, I have been proved right, EVERY TIME, in my 30+ years of voting! :hmmm:

  4. hillary is still alive ?

    the nwo must have been bamboozled by her excuses for losing he election.

    once again we are shown that having money and power doesn’t necessarily make you a good judge of human behavior.


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