Are Baltimore Dems finally getting a clue on crime? – IOTW Report

Are Baltimore Dems finally getting a clue on crime?

American Thinker: When riots exploded in Baltimore almost two years ago after the death of Freddy Gray in police custody, and then-mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake called for “room to destroy,” I resigned myself to the Detroitization of another American city.  Detroit’s riots in 1967 doomed that city to a cycle of decline, with affluent people of all races fleeing the escalating taxes, rising crime, and plummeting quality of municipal services, including schools.  The results have included large swaths of a depopulated city returning to nature once the derelict homes and other structures are bulldozed.

It is a kind of death sentence for a large portion of a major city.

Baltimore may be facing the same grim future.  Writing in the Baltimore Sun, David Placher lays out the grim data:


With the U.S. Census Bureau reporting yet another year of population loss for the city, it doesn’t take an investigator to determine the causes.

The city’s scary record of 343 homicides in 2017 affirms the city’s well-known reputation as a dangerous place to live.  Even if 2018 has fewer homicides, it doesn’t take a fortune teller to predict that this year’s homicide rate will be high.  Until the city substantially reduces its homicide and other crimes rates, people will continue to view the city as dangerous and be reluctant to stay or move here.

The city’s outrageous property tax of $2.248 per $100 of a property’s assessed value is more than double of its surrounding jurisdictions

Leave behind crime, horrible schools, and high taxes by moving out – that’s a pretty irresistible offer for anyone able to move a few miles.  more here

11 Comments on Are Baltimore Dems finally getting a clue on crime?

  1. “Until the city substantially reduces its homicide and other crimes rates”

    won’t happen because it’s considered racist to have a disproportionate amount of blacks in prison.

    and that’s who they need to lock up.

    lincoln was right, the races will not be able to live together.

  2. Hate to repeat, but here I go again…

    There’s more than enough laws (gun laws) “on the books” to clean thinks up at a rapid pace. “Project Exile” comes to mind.

    Also, reminds me of two volumes of gun law that years back (probably around three inches thick for IL) that was required for any and all FFL’s to follow and know inside out. More or less depending on the state added BS.

  3. Anyone looking for politicians to solve this problems doesn’t understand how it happened in then first place. I predict the next big change for Baltimore in the coming decades is that it will go full sharia as muslims realize they can take over the place by simply “controlling” crime with muslim street gangs until the place converts to the usual acid flinging no-go shithole… but at least there will be no black gangs there.

  4. It’s common knowledge that the way to tackle crime is to go for the crime leaders. Criminal justice uses the dealers and the bookies to rat out the drug kingpins and the mob leaders.

    Baltimore will get cleaned up when they prosecute the mayor, city council and civic leaders who were responsible to keep law and order and CHOSE not to do so.

  5. Perhaps the Baltimore city mayor should announce the total and complete DECRIMINALIZATION of all so-called “crimes” (e.g. larceny, murder, drug dealing, arson, destruction of property, rape, etc.).
    This would immediately bring the crime rate to ZERO.

    After all, “crime” is a social construct imposed upon the less fortunate, oppressed groups by the racist, homophobic, misogynist, white male social heirarchy.
    That’s right, it’s all a fiction invented by the white male power structure to oppress all minorities, women, and the LGBT community, so as to maintain their dominance over non-white males.

    Once Baltimore residents see that there is no such thing as “a crime,” a utopia, a heaven-on-earth will prevail over all of Baltimore and billions of dollars will fall from the sky to eliminate all poverty and want, and everybody will live happily ever after enjoying abundance of happiness, safety and be free of toil and effort.

  6. I moved to MD in 1967 and Bal’mer was a shithole THEN!
    It may be a “more worser” shithole now, but these things are relative.

    Any humans left should get the fuck out, NOW! Before it’s too late (if it isn’t already).
    But, unlike South Africa, there are still plenty of places to go.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. $2.248 per hundred? Usually property taxes are per thousand. Is that a typo or is Baltimore so far gone they may as well bulldoze the whole place and start over?


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