American businessman took money from UK to finance ISIS in the US – IOTW Report

American businessman took money from UK to finance ISIS in the US

Geller Report: You’ll have to go to Welsh media for this bombshell news story, the sharia-complaint enemedia won’t cover anything critical of Islam.

An American businessman took payments from a Cardiff -based firm to finance an Islamic State (Isis) terror attack in the US.

By Anna Lewis, Wales Online, April 2, 2018:

Mohammed Elshinawy, 33, has been jailed for 20 years after he admitted accepting payments to support an attack by the terror group.

n court heard Elshinawy, of Edgewood, Maryland, received payments totalling $8,700 (about £6,200) from a Welsh company.

According to a Department of Justice news release issued on March 30 “Elshinawy conspired with others to knowingly provide material support and resources to Isis”.

The statement continued: “From February 2015 through about December 11, 2015, in Maryland and elsewhere, Elshinawy conspired with others to provide material support and resources, including personnel, services (including means and methods of communication), and financial services, to Isis.

“Elshinawy and his co-conspirators utilised various methods of secret communication in order to conceal their criminal association and activities from law enforcement.  MORE

10 Comments on American businessman took money from UK to finance ISIS in the US

  1. Damnit!! How is this not treason? When in the Hell is this country going to pull its head out and start treating these enemies as they should be treated – with arrest, trial, conviction if guilty and DEATH? I realize that few today, probably, remember Julius and Ethel Rosenberg but c’mon!!

  2. @really enraged — The unanswered question, right? Especially since we are “at war” with ISIS. Giving aid and comfort to the enemy should carry the charge of treason and the death penalty.

  3. Nothing surprises me about this Muslim. Here in Maryland is full of does shit. And full of mosques 🕌 last year Howard c in Columbia Maryland this fuc open a mosque 🕌 people in the area was piss but nothing happened.

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