President Trump: Use military to protect U.S. border – IOTW Report

President Trump: Use military to protect U.S. border

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he planned to use U.S. military forces to protect the nation’s southern border with Mexico until there is a border wall and “proper security.”

“We are going to be doing things militarily,” Trump told reporters at the White House, adding that he had discussed the idea with U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

28 Comments on President Trump: Use military to protect U.S. border

  1. I’m a horrible person. I admit it. I was reading some of the posts at CTH and a lot of them are saying they don’t wish any harm to those people and wish they could live decent lives in their own country. While I want to see bombs dropped on them or cut down with machine gun fire. I might be going to hell.

  2. Borders have everything to do with National Security.

    Congress has abdicated its legislative responsibility under the failed leadership of Lyin’ Ryan and schumer’s puppet McCONnell.

    President Trump must act.

  3. Here’s my prediction on how this unfolds. The caravan is going to make a hard left turn once the get past the Sea Of Cortez and they will try and enter through California. Jerry Brown and our La Raza Mex state officials will greet them with open arms. Brown will try and block the Military on California soil and activate the National Guard to stop them. They will refuse. While all that goes on Citizen Militia groups will gather at the border and repel the invading force. Jerry Brown and the La Raza assholes are arrested and tried for war crimes and treason and hung within a month.

    O.K. the last parts probably to much to ask for but I do think they will try and enter through California.

  4. The Hogster and a massive number of child progs will be bused to the border where they will link arms and try to block the military. 3..2..1…

    It’s going to end in tears.

  5. This, if its true, is an invasion of a foreign entity onto US lands. Time for the military to be called into action before trouble actually arrives. Once they are in it will be hell getting them out. If Mexico is assisting them then the border needs to be closed until the threat has put down. Close the border then have some serious talks with Mexico about when we might open it back up. Just because they don’t show weapons doesn’t mean it is not an invasion.

  6. Brad, I like the way your scenario plays out. It would be nice to see some casualties among the jerry brown group though. Just enough to make their stay in jail a bit more uncomfortable.

  7. Long, long, long, looooooongg overdue!! If I remember correctly, invaders attempting to illegally sneak across the border were shot in the act in the late ’40s, ’50s and into the early ’60s.

    Glad to read of another “horrible person”, Gladys!

    How is it that so few understand that a Nation without enforced borders and control of immigration is no Nation at all? I know the (d)s loathe this country and all the rest of us but their numbers do NOT constitute the majority! Their attempts to destroy us should be resisted with force. This isn’t a First Amendment issue! DAMN!!

    Geeez Louise!!

  8. joe6pak

    A couple more SoCal counties and cities have joined the Feds law suit against Californians Sanctuary State BS and refused to cooperate. Including Huntington Beach. Not a peep out of Brown or his AG. Most Northern California counties, including mine, told them right out of the gate to Fxck off. Nothing was said about that.

  9. I guess I’m evil, but I say give them one warning, “you step on American soil and you will be shot, men and women.” Then follow through and tell Mexico they have orphans to raise.

    I’m sick of people thinking they can just waltz across our border like it’s open house. I’m sick of kids and old hippy commies demanding my guns be taken away. I’m sick of blacks running around making demands shouting “hands up don’t shoot.” I’m sick of teachers spreading their bullshit across the country demanding raises and shutting down schools.

    The people of this country needs to stand up and do the job if our government won’t do it and say we’ve had enough. We’re going to start treating you all like the criminals you are and the spoiled little brats you are. If you don’t belong in this country, you’re not getting into this country. If you are already in this country and you don’t belong you either leave with your life or we’ll remove you in a body bag. If you’re a kid out protesting instead of being in school we’re locking your ass up in juvenile hall for truancy and throwing your parents in jail. If your a damn old hippy commie running your mouth we’re going to shut it for you. If you’re a teacher closing down schools, you will no longer have a job and you lose your cushy retirement. If you’re a damn traitor serving in our government get the hell out before we run you out.

    I’m sick of the insane running the asylum.

  10. Damn! What a day! I just visited Diplomad 2.0. Dip has a related essay up today. I encourage you to visit his site if you don’t know about it. He always has something worth writing to offer, in my opinion.

  11. And again the media are saying Trump is a big meany and these are just poor refugees. Except 80% are men in their 20’s. Damn the media.
    Bad Brad; that would be a dream come true. Gladys; horrible and deplorable here.

  12. The logical thing for the invaders to do is cross at the point that has the least resistance. That, by far, would be California.
    What are Brown and Xavier going to do? It would be an admission they were wrong if the deny the invaders into our lovely Sanctuary, dead broke, paradise. They will further inflame the electorate. Mexican citizens are against this sanctuary shit. It would give a Republican candidate for Governor a good kick in the polls. And maybe that would be enough to get Sessions to actually do something. It’s a win win. Keep watching. I bet they turn hard left and head for California. Probably in small groups.

  13. Not to change the subject but at the White House Easter egg roll last week, Donald Trump Jr. was wearing a lapel pin- a rugged American Flag with “deplorable” stamped on it. I just gotta have one, or a dozen.
    Now back to regular business. MAGA!

  14. Just posted this on Whitehouse website; “Yes. Yes to using the military on the border. Yes to stopping a foreign invasion. Yes our country has been stolen. Enough is enough. Thank you for putting Americans first. It is way overdue.”
    Brad; You’re too optimistic. I left a msg on the Whitehouse website a month ago asking them to do something about Calif draconian gun laws. They said that was a state issue. What? The 2’nd Amendment is a state issue? So I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

  15. We tried that once before, and the first one that got shot (and the soldier didn’t perform first aid) set off a firestorm of protest and fake indignation.

    The program was stopped.

    You could look it up.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. We tried that once before, and the first one that was shot (and not given first aid by the American Armed Forces) caused a firestorm of faux outrage and phony indignation.

    The program was stopped.

    You could look it up.

    izlamo delenda est …


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