‘Remarkably stupid’: Calif Dems push ‘first of its kind’ legislation restricting when a cop can use his gun – IOTW Report

‘Remarkably stupid’: Calif Dems push ‘first of its kind’ legislation restricting when a cop can use his gun

BPR: Talk about handcuffing police, California Democrats are pushing an unprecedented law to limit when a cop can use his/her weapon.

Following the shooting death of an unarmed black man in Sacramento last month by police, state lawmakers have proposed legislation that raises the threshold for when an officer may open fire, Huffington Post reported.

Flanked by leaders from the NAACP and the anti-cop Black Lives Matter movement, Assemblyman Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, said at a news conference Tuesday the law would change the guidelines in California’s use of force laws so that cops may use their weapon ”‘only when necessary’ rather than ‘when reasonable.’”  more here

47 Comments on ‘Remarkably stupid’: Calif Dems push ‘first of its kind’ legislation restricting when a cop can use his gun

  1. Good. I hope it applies to the cops defending the maggots in Sacramento, too.
    And all their hired security – as well as for those millionaires in Silicon Valley and Hollyweird.

    Sauce for the goose … ?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If the new regulations are forced down the throats of law enforcement (because politicians know best) the popo union will not stand for it. Expect a massive blu-flu epidemic.

  3. LEO in Ca- the new make work job. Just get a game system and start 5 minutes after your shift. When a “shots fired” call goes out just respond “let me know when its over” then roll up, use your game system to take pictures, write down any statements anyone may want to give (snitches get stitches) and then back to trying to break your last high score.

    Pulling anyone over for any reason? Uh, NO. If you have to wait for the thug to shot once or even twice before you can respond no chance in hell.

    The reps of CA will not sober up until they begin to suffer the real life consequences of their decisions.

  4. Dan, I already did my time as a copper, don’t have any desire to go back now that I’m (just barely) on the high side of 60, but I can’t imagine EVER wanting to be a cop in California. Not now, not 30 years ago.

  5. Meanwhile, a “loaded weapon” has one definition when you are in the Capital building and another one when you are on the streets. Need I say which one is more strict?

  6. CC April 4, 2018 at 1:01 pm – “How about don’t shoot citizens armed only with a cell phone, for starters?”

    How about not pointing a cell phone threateningly at cops in the dark when they can’t see for sure it’s not a gun? How about not running from the police when they yell “Halt!”? How about dropping the cell phone when a cop is pointing a gun at you and yells “drop it!”? Do stupid stuff, win stupid prizes.

    I’m not a cop but I work with many of them, city, sheriff, and state. I went through one of their most basic shoot/don’t shoot training scenarios, and it’s painfully obvious you haven’t. I’ve never felt my heart racing so fast and I was goddamned scared I might shoot an innocent person, even though I knew it was just training. Not a single LEO ever wants to draw his weapon, let alone shoot someone, but if it’s a choice between his life or a suspect’s, what do you think the decision will be? And rightly so.

  7. Phuzzy Logick

    Did you see the video? If not you should check it out. LEO gets bad optics because they are poorly trained with firearms. These guys mag dumped this dirt bag. This train wreck started there and has continually gotten worse. The perp was shot 8 times. Seven in the back. I agree, if you don’t want to get shot, comply. But like a say that video looks real bad. Especially when you consider LEO are supposed to be judged using the same criteria as a CCW. I hope these cops are not charged and this all goes away. But it doesn’t look like it. And I’ve been through those simulators several times.

  8. Didn’t watch the video – my bandwidth is very low. I tend to take LEO’s side because they’re always dumped on, especially by people who have no f-in idea what it’s like to be in a shoot/no-shoot situation, let alone be a cop. I couldn’t do it – I don’t have the patience to put up with the intense level of stupid so many people exude.

    A mag dump is almost never a good thing – yes, you’re scared, but you’re supposed to be trained better and now you’re out of ammo. Where did all those misses go? A house wall will slow a round but not stop it, and whose toddler did you just shoot? Every bullet has a lawyer hanging off it, and even when you’re right you’re wrong, so like I said, no LEO wants to even draw his weapon.

  9. Phuzzy Logick

    They fired 20 rounds. In a heart beat. He was hiding behind his grandmother house when they found him. LEO had cover from an out building. The misses were lodged into the back of granny’s house. I know some COPS that are damn good with weapons. But they didn’t depend on their agency for their gun skills. Most agencies require 36 to 45 rounds to qualify quarterly. That’s not enough training.

  10. Absolutely agree 36 to 45 rounds isn’t enough. Many LEO departments don’t supply any more rounds than that so officers have to pay for more out of their own pockets. Heck, I shoot that many rounds the first 15 minutes at the range. I’m not a great shot because of arthritis, but I’m not bragging when I say I can probably outshoot 80% of the cops I hang with – they don’t practice enough.

    I don’t want to second-guess these officers because I wasn’t there. Hope for the best for them.


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