Why are they doing this? – IOTW Report

Why are they doing this?

People who start ridiculous and dangerous ‘trends’ are just psychos living out a hands-free maim and murder fantasy.
And they get their jollies off of people who never stop to examine the need or the purpose of the insanity they’re participating in.

14 Comments on Why are they doing this?

  1. Who here has served in the Military…And didn’t have that one

    Dude who snorted His Dog Tag chain…Then coughed it out His

    mouth…Then proceeded to saw it back and forth…

    Ill thinking about it.

  2. Bcattin – I was in the Army three years 1969-1971 and never heard of that stupid dog-tag trick, much less saw it happen. But I have to admit I’m not even one tiny bit surprised that it was a “thing”.

  3. Bad Brad
    Had a anti-war, college educated, draftee in my Marine Recruit Platoon in 1969. (That was three strikes against him.) Plus the fact he followed orders in a half-assed manner and the whole platoon paid the price, repeatedly.

    After about 4-6 weeks of hard training he laid his trigger finger on the rail of his steel rack and hacked it off with his bayonet. He was a determined little asshole, took him several whacks.

    From what we were told, he wasn’t discharged he was tried and convicted, sent to a military prison for malingering and destruction of military property. He was not missed.

  4. @Cato
    My brother knew a guy down in Imperial Valley that took a 30 30 to his toe, carefully taping them apart, all to avoid the war. The only problem was the muzzle blast from the 30 30 took out about half his foot.


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