Bitter Hillary fantasizes about ‘alternative reality’ where she’s president – IOTW Report

Bitter Hillary fantasizes about ‘alternative reality’ where she’s president

American Mirror: Hillary Clinton thinks she deserves credit for “accelerating” the #MeToo movement through her humiliating loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

Clinton visited the women-only club “The Wing” in New York City Tuesday to relive the election and offer excuses for her defeat, the latest stop in a years long tour to explain “What Happened” in 2016.

“Someone at @the_wing just asked Hillary Clinton: ‘In an alternative reality, if you were president today in 2018, do you think the #MeToo movement would’ve still happened?’” a Twitter user posted Tuesday, along with a video of Clinton’s response.

“I believe that it was a wave that was building and building and building,” Clinton said. “I think my losing probably accelerated that wave, but the wave was coming.”

“I was just interviewed by Irish television about the Irish peace process that I was involved in and the Good Friday Accords, and they were saying how, unrelated to me and our elections and who our president is, they’re having that moment right now in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland,” she continued. “And there’s a referendum about loosening abortion restrictions in the Republic of Ireland, which is part of the overall wave I’m talking about – people saying women should not only speak and be heard, but laws need to change and this is not just an American phenomenon, this is a global one.

“So yeah, I think it definitely would have happened.”

Ironically, many folks have criticized Clinton for helping to create the culture that spawned the #MeToo movement of women accusing powerful men of sexual harassment and intimidation.  more here

24 Comments on Bitter Hillary fantasizes about ‘alternative reality’ where she’s president

  1. #MeToo? Ask all the women Bill violently raped. And that poor 12 year old rape victim that Hilary attacked as “wanting it” to get her guilty client off.

    “Better put some ice on that” as Bill liked to tell his victims.

  2. Nah, Hillary would have squashed the #metoo movement because she’s married to Bill, and as First Man Bill would have used the White House as his happy hunting ground. Besides, HIllary has always been in charge of covering up Bill’s sexual activities.

    She’s also lying about setting up a commission to investigate Russian collusion. A lot of the evidence is actually starting to point to Democrat involvement, and Hillary would have covered this up or, more likely, just ignored it because she got what she wanted.

    If anyone believes Hillary’s version of what she would do, they are the ones living in an alternative universe.

  3. Hillary Clinton thinks she deserves credit for “accelerating” the #MeToo movement through her humiliating loss to Donald Trump

    There she goes grabbing credit for the actions of yet another ex-President.

  4. And about that involvement in the Irish peace talks. She tagged along with the diplomats as First Lady, and she went around Ireland drinking tea with women, while the diplomats hammered out an agreement. From a 2008 article written when she tried to fluff her diplo resume:

    “David Trimble, the leader of the Ulster Unionist Party in Northern Ireland who shared a Nobel Peace Prize for the settlement, last week told the Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper, that Clinton’s claim was “a wee bit silly.” He said, “I don’t want to rain on the thing for her, but being a cheerleader for something is slightly different from being a principal player.”

    About as much involvement there as in #metoo movement. Cankles the fantasy catalyst.

  5. but, thirdtwin… gotta realize….

    ….SHE WAS THERE…..or at least, in the vicinity…

    so that means SHE did it……

    ….stop being so petty……everyone knows twas hillary that solved the irish problem….


    …………um……yeah….sure it was……

    …………………bean irish my ownself, i don’t accept that the “irish question” is solved, firstly….since i still hope to see an independent ireland someday….as well as an independent wales, and an independent scotland…..

    so, obviously, i am not so much in favor of the irish, as i am opposed to the sassenach britons, who enslaved us and all our celtic brethren…..

    which is really weird, since i am toadly happy with the way the british empire civilized the whole world….WHICH IT DID…….

    but… much for the white man’s burden… it’s white savior syndrome……..we’re not “allowed” to try to help “people of color” anymore, because….WHITE SAVIOR SYNDROME….

    we are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t…..


    let them all stew in their own juices…..let them eat each other up……

    we need to protect our own….

    we REALLY need to PROTECT our own…….

  6. Uncle Al, I fantasize about a alternate reality in which a Billionaire Non-Politician, Donald Trump defeated “The Smartest, Most Well-Equipped Person” in the world to be President of the USA; and then SHE mopes on for years until her death never once accomplishing anything ever again … and then I grin a bit, since My fantasy is now everyone’s reality.

  7. We should appoint Hilary as first Female Ambassador to Neptune, and have Elon Musk hook her up with a nice car to ride in.
    Dart her like a Bear and televise her waking up in her spacesuit in the driver’s seat.
    Give her six days of air, tell her the car is on ‘autopilot’ and all she has to do is turn around and drive back when she’s done.

  8. I’m sure she goes to sleep every night fantasizing about it. And, I imagine she wakes up frequently, in a cold sweat, screaming, as she realizes she isn’t sleeping in the White House. Then she thinks about publishing another blockbuster hit book about why she lost because so many people hate her. I think the book will be titled “WTF Happened.”

  9. You know, it really seems as if Hillary is out there on her own now, doesn’t it?
    It’s as if NO ONE can tell her anything anymore.
    Where the hell is Bill?? Can ANYONE advise this cretin that it’s better to lose graciously?
    I think we’re all old enough here to remember her as 1st lady, seemingly demure, appearing to take things as they come.
    Now it’s like we’re witnessing some cranky old lady smearing everyone in her path, listening to no one’s advice. They’ve all given up on her.
    What the hell ever happened to demure?
    Unbelievable. This woman is a hot mess.

  10. Alternate Reality scene 1236: take 15

    Sec Def O’Donnell: “Madame President! The evil and vast conspiracy of white male religious gun nuts with tentacles for arms has built an enormous robot of doom!”

    Hillary: “Suit me up in my giant vagina armor.”

  11. “Hillary: “Suit me up in my giant vagina armor.”

    Dang, why do you need to share your thoughts like this consistently right before I’m ready to turn in. YOU, are an evil man.

  12. What a coincidence. H-Rod fantasizes about an alternate reality where she’s president, and I fantasize about an alternate reality where she never existed.

    My favorite fantasy is the one where she’s lead away in cuffs, ankle and belly chains to start her tour in a SuperMax.

    As it is, she’s like that rich old crazy aunt that everyone is putting up with until she dies so they can divvy up the goodies.

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