France: No jail time for “crazy” muslims who terrified nuns – IOTW Report

France: No jail time for “crazy” muslims who terrified nuns

Breitbart: Two men have been spared jail after they burst into evening service at a convent warning nuns they must either convert to Islam or go to hell.

The 26- and 28-year-old defendants were released from court in Verdun, northeast France last week, with the magistrate citing diminished mental responsibility at the time of the incident, when he said the men were suffering from psychiatric disorders.

For having inflicted “psychological violence” against the nuns they urged to convert, the prosecutor requested that each man be given a 10-month suspended prison sentence, local media reports.

“There is no link between your actions and terrorism,” the president of the court told the defendants, explaining: “The terms and expressions used, while they had the effect of disturbing the sisters, are not specific to radical discourse nor were they intended to frighten.” more here

9 Comments on France: No jail time for “crazy” muslims who terrified nuns

  1. Ahh, Frangistan – you’ve been on a collision course with destiny since Bonaparte.

    Who can save you now?

    Germany? Ha ha.
    UK? Ha ha.
    US? Ha ha.
    Russia? Ha ha ha.
    Liechtenstein? Ha ha.
    Holland? Ha ha.
    Belgium? Ha ha.
    Spain? Ha ha.
    Switzerland? Ha ha.

    There is no god but ollie … repeat after me …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The magistrate released the muslims citing diminished mental responsibility at the time of the incident, when he said the men were suffering from psychiatric disorders.

    >> diminished mental responsibility and psychiatric disorders<< And they were released?????

    7 centuries of inbreeding is now a defense for terrorist crimes in France and most of Europe.

  3. Just let two Christians enter a mosque and proclaim that the Muslims are hell bound if they don’t convert!

    We all know how that would end.

    The Christians would be dodging outgoing fire.

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