Gun-Grabbers: Learn the lesson of the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact – IOTW Report

Gun-Grabbers: Learn the lesson of the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact

Patriot Retort:

You’d have to be living in a fantasy world to think that banning guns would stop murder – or even violence.

But then again, we’re talking about gun-grabbers on the Left. So to be fair, they are living in a fantasy world.

They really do believe that enacting bans will effectively alter human nature and rid us of violent tendencies.

But that’s hardly new for so-called “progressives.”

And if you want a terrific example of how wrong-headed this thinking is, look no further than the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact.

After the devastation of World War One, nations of the world gathered in Paris and created this bit of wooly-headed nonsense.

And what was its purpose?

Why to outlaw war of course.

A total of fifty-four nations eventually signed on to the Kellogg-Briand Pact.

And here in the US, all but one Senator voted to ratify it.

Well you don’t have to be a history major to know the damn thing didn’t work.

Within three years of signing on to the Kellogg-Briand Pact, Japan was at war in Manchuria. Six years later, they were at war with fellow signatory China.

Then, a few years after that, Japan attacked another signatory, the United States.

And then there’s Germany.  MORE

18 Comments on Gun-Grabbers: Learn the lesson of the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact

  1. nope, not at all, it’s main use is in effect to this day, which is:
    “it erased the legal distinction between war and peace because the signatories, having renounced the use of war, began to wage wars without declaring them.”

    We call that a Success!

  2. the one thing libtard progressives have understood since Marx & the Frankfurt School is that control of the narrative is essential to controlling ‘the masses’

    yes, indeed … outlaw ‘war’ … just call the use of force & aggression against those that you wish to subjugate ‘pacification’ …. after all, it’s for their own good

    there now, … doesn’t that sound better? … they readily decry the cruelty of whitey for subjugating the ‘natives’ or some sort of mythical hegemon, yet wholeheartedly endorse the very same motive on a much, much larger scale

  3. This lesson cannot be learned in a world where my mid-50’s girlfriend asked me who won WWII just the other day.

    The dumbing down of society began long, long ago.

  4. When I was in school, most kids learned and retained only enough information to pass the test/class and continued that practice in life. The teachers I had were the same boring teachers my dad had, some so feeble, they kept calling me by his name.
    Never content to be a dumbass, I took the initiative to seek knowledge and spent a lot of time at the library. Nowadays people have the world at their fingertips, but are dumber than ever.

  5. stop this now! laws work !

    everyone knows that laws that make murder illegal have eradicated the scourge of murder in our society.
    just like laws that make drugs illegal work to eliminate drugs from society.
    same with stealing, rape, child molesting, insider trading and the list goes on and on.

    so I know stricter gun ownership laws will reduce gun violence because they eliminated all the other ills of society.

  6. The very people that are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in this country are the very same people that todays society seeks to make excuses for and refuse to punish.
    This will never be fixed but it will get worse now that we’ve been importing hordes of new “victims” of our racist society.

  7. Government solutions to any problem;
    Throw money at it,
    Make it illegal or difficult to obtain,
    Pass another useless unenforceable law
    Create a media manufactured crisis
    Appoint yet another special counsel to investigate
    ya’ll got any more?

  8. So, if we just make murder illegal we don’t really need “gun control” do we?
    Oh! I know! Let’s make schools “Gun Free Zones,” too! That will eliminate school shootings!
    And Boston could outlaw pressure-cooker bombs during marathons!

    Makes you wonder why politicians haven’t thought of these simple, foolproof solutions, doesn’t it? Could it be – possibly – that politicians don’t REALLY want solutions? Could it be that they profit from hate and distrust? Could it be that they have a different “direction” for America than they’re willing to expound upon?

    Makes you think “Hmmmm” doesn’t it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @bill April 5, 2018 at 7:31 am

    Laws only work if legislators can be (economically) convinced to change them. How high do the price of construction permits have to rise, until those that collect the fees will, not nullify, but at least suspend, their onerous law of gravity? That keeps harming, maiming, and even killing (even differently documented) construction workers. On fully permitted, fully paid for, construction sites. I mean, sure, let the full weight of the rule of law come down on unregulated construction. But you should be safe, if you’re “paid up” (for today).

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