Megyn Kelly Shuts Down Stormy’s Lawyer For Not Returning $130k – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Shuts Down Stormy’s Lawyer For Not Returning $130k

DC: Megyn Kelly ripped apart Michael Avenatti during an interview on NBC Wednesday morning, sharply questioning the key components of his lawsuit for Stormy Daniels.

One of Avenatti’s claims is that the hush agreement Daniels signed about her alleged affair with the president is invalid because Trump never signed it. However, Kelly pointed out that the agreement only required either Trump or his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to sign.

“[Cohen] could bind himself to that $130,000 and she signed it and she cashed the check,” Kelly argued.

Kelly also noted that the agreement required Daniels to turn over any proof she had of the alleged affair, yet Avenatti recently teased a DVD on his Twitter account, implying that Daniels had broken that term of the agreement.

“Well, so you’re saying they didn’t live up to their obligations, and now there’s a question about whether she did,” Kelly explained.  more here

9 Comments on Megyn Kelly Shuts Down Stormy’s Lawyer For Not Returning $130k

  1. That guy reeks like what you scrape off your shoe when you’re not careful where you stepped.
    And Stormy is the whoriest of whores. She believes she’s just like us.
    I lay the blame on Bubba Clinton for ushering in this ‘porn stars are celebs too’ era.

  2. I saw part of her show one day as I was in the waiting room at the hospital. It seemed to be one of those clapping and barking seal and freak shows like Jerry Springer, so I didn’t pay much attention, but I didn’t realize she did any kind of “serious” interviews.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Just imagine if a cardboard doofus like Yeb! were our POTUS and he got all these layers of garbage thrown at him! He would curl in a fetal position and cry.
    The media champions a porn star, who hires a shyster, and are paraded around by other vanity-driven shysters…. and this stuff leads, and repeats in the ‘news’ cycle for weeks on end— as if ANY of it was fair from the get-go.

    Such a militant trashing campaign might have yielded the lynching of JFK, if his actual debauchery was exposed. Even the sainted FDR would have been run out of town.

    So glad Trump is our POTUS and may he hit the Media back twice as hard and throw them all off the air. The public would approve at this point.

  4. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that if she is willing to risk the $130,000 hush money, that someone must be willing to pay her more (a LOT more) to tell the story. Did MeAgain bother to ask this prick THAT question? Follow the money.

    As a side note, the stupid left bought into their own bullshit that Bill Clinton was impeached for having an extra-marital sexual relationship (rather than the perjury that followed), and they think that somehow, the Stormy Daniels story will lead to President Trump being impeached.

  5. “Megyn, do you have any idea how many, and how ‘exotic’, a-hundred-and-thirty-thousand dollars buys you in ‘scenes’? I earned those ‘not sexual relations’. And I am NOT paying for them out of MY pocket.”


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