Chicago suburb begins gun confiscation and fines – IOTW Report

Chicago suburb begins gun confiscation and fines

DC: A city in Illinois is making a gun control activists’ dreams come true.

The Village Board of Trustees in Deerfield, Ill., a suburb of Chicago, approved an ordinance to ban “assault weapons” and large capacity magazines, Cleveland 19 News reports.

Violators will face a hefty fine. If the owner of an assault weapon lives in the town does not voluntarily turn over their banned weapon, he will be fined $1,000 a day until the weapon is confiscated.

According to Cleveland 19 News, the term “assault rifle” applies to “Semiautomatic rifles with a fixed magazine and a capacity to hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition are banned. Shotguns that have revolving chambers are also outlawed.”

In a press release sent out by the city, the mayor cites the Parkland, Fla. high school shooting as the motivator for the ordinance: more

22 Comments on Chicago suburb begins gun confiscation and fines

  1. Gun confiscation must necessarily precede Concentration Camps.
    The sheep will submit.

    Where have we seen this? What country was that, early the last century? I believe they even had to turn in their knives, too, over a certain size.

    Over and over and over – on and on and on.

    “The Thirty” of Athens outlawed “assault swords” in about 400 BC and became an absolutely tyrannical oligarchy who murdered with impunity.
    Charlemagne outlawed “assault pikes” so the peasantry couldn’t defend itself against the depredations of his aristocracy.

    Anyone who believes this lie has anything to do with “public safety” is delusional, at best, and a devious, lying hypocrite, more probably.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. How would they know what you have?
    Don’t they have to prove ownership first?
    The ATF doesn’t give this data out.
    What is an assault weapon anyway?

  3. What a waste of city funds. The defense of this clearly unconstitutional ordinance could cost Deerfield millions. How is this board of trustees going to justify this stupidity and waste of taxpayer funds to their electorate? Betcha there is a bunch of new faces on this board after the next election.

  4. How would they know what you have?
    Don’t they have to prove ownership first?
    The ATF doesn’t give this data out.
    What is an assault weapon anyway?
    Sounds like they are targeting legal gun dealers.
    They can not enter your home w/o a warrant and they certainly can not open your gun safe w/o a warrant.
    The Nazi’s would of loved Illinois.

  5. So, The Plan is to identify gun owners , any gun that can hold a larger magazine, fine you until the city cannot resist the money and foreclose. Your house is sold to pay the fine and any residual goes to pay the city’s legal costs plus profit…You, evicted, have your guns taken, and you sue …You will win of course , but it will take 20 years and $90,000.00 in legal costs while the city defends itself with lawyers on retainer using your house proceeds…the process is legal and the city merely needs to fine/ foreclose to cover costs and make money…THE PLAN is underway..

  6. I spent the first 18 years of my life in Deerfield.

    Growing up I was taught all you need to do is show your fist to the wimps in this town and they will run away. And it’s true, the whole town is filled with panzies that couldn’t punch out of a wet paper bag.

  7. I grew up in Deerfield, haven’t been back in decades. It’s a very wealthy northern suburb just west of the lake. Highland Park just to the east, banned “assault weapons” when they had the opportunity when the state enacted concealed carry. Deerfield in the other hand put in a place holder for future bans. At this point the township thinks it’s in the clear. However, there are many wealthy residents who will likely challenge the ban. In reading the local rags, Deerfield admits it has no way of knowing who owns AR15s or magazines. They’re betting on family and neighbors to come forward and identify owners of such weaponry.

  8. How are legal gun owners in Illinois suppose to know about every single town’s ordinance they pass thru? The ordinance cites possession in the town and not possession linked to any residence.

  9. At this point, it’s become clear to me that the leftists want guns banned so conservatives will all get killed off by the thugs, therefore giving the leftists total power and control, without fear of any repercussions.

  10. So preemption should eat this one up and hopefully cost them a ton. The link explains that some ordinances passed before the concealed carry law were able to get away with it, but no more. And this one might actually be heard if they foolishly appeal it up the chain. Please, please, please appeal after you lose…

  11. Anyone who has ever had contact with zoning and code enforcement knows this is unenforceable. It’s just who has deeper pockets and the time/anger to deal with it….

    I had a neighbor with a grudge and connections file a complaint about my goats. I was completely legal and zoned for goats…The neighbor HAD goats????!!!!!….and all of my goats were semi-automatic!…

    Complait dismissed and Code Enforcement Boy was gone….

  12. Is that a misprint, or did they really define an assault rifle as “semiautomatic with a FIXED magazine of 10 or more rounds”? In that case an AR or many other rifles would be exempt. Now that would be funny as hell.


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